catch up and next activity Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia Natalie had only been half-paying attention when Fletcher had given the instructions for the first activity (because she was being rebellious), so she was trying to remember what was supposed to happen next. Uhh... Was she just supposed to pull and arrow out? Yeah, that sounded familiar.
Well. Okay.
She pulled one out of the quiver. Absolutely!
Wow. Divination. Amazing.
Natalie listened to the next set of instructions and took the papers off of each one. This time she was to think of another question and think of two answers, then shoot off three arrows. It was a shame that shooting Professors in the foot was probably against the rules. She'd probably also face some charges considering she had just turned 17. Darn.
Grabbing her bow and quiver of arrows, Natalie moved to one of the lines in the field and wondered what her question should be. Hmmm... Will the Ministry finally intervene and save us?
She drew her first arrow and positioned it to her bow. She pulled back. Ministry of Magic Who??? Then she let go. It went about two feet.
Natalie drew her second arrow and pulled it back with the bow. At the very last possible second. Then she let go. It went a foot further than the first one.
Drawing her last arrow, the one that was to be left blank, which... well, she didn't remember what that meant. Probably "who knows, guess you'll find out"... Natalie pulled it back with the bow and released it into the field. And it soared six feet into the field.
Lovely. |