I’m right, you’re wrong. They don’t call me a Seer for nothing.
This time Fletcher blatantly ignored the Ravenclaw. He’d already explained it to her. Her trying to drag it out any further would only pull his attention from the task he was set to before before the lesson was over. He would not feed into whatever she was trying to accomplish. The man looked past her to the Hufflepuff Prefect at his comment. “It doesn’t matter how many times you fumble with your arrow Mr. Ashbury-Hawthorne, as long as when you do manage to fit it into the bow, you get it to shoot even a few feet away. He picked up a bow and arrow and demonstrated the right technique, slowly. “Pay attention to the positioning on my hands.” He went on with the explanation, changing positions several times as he did but in the end did not shoot the arrow. That was for later. If you find you’re still having difficulties, please let me know and I’ll further advise.”
He watched the students set to the task, none harming themselves in the process was always a bonus where this lot was concerned. He was sure some among them could harm themselves in a sponge room.
Believe it or not, Carden raised a good point. “To put only positive responses would be to your own detriment as it would surely interfere with the accuracy of the reading. You rob yourself of a fair reading in those situations and lose out on an opportunity for genuine enlightenment. Anyone doing so will do so at their own risk.” Said loud enough for all to hear in case any of them had been so inclined.
They were forced to do the activity, regardless. Might as well do it right and get something out of it.
He glanced down at his watch. They would need to move on. “When you’ve done this activity, I want each of you to choose a spot behind either line.” As he spoke, he revealed a pair of parallel lines with enough space between them for students to stand by either with their back turned to a classmate without anyone interfering with anyone else. This left them facing the open field on either side. “Once again, you will consider a question but this time you will choose two responses and leave a third blank. If the responses you have now can be applicable to the next question then you may use them but you must remove one as only three arrows will be shot and the blank one is to remain. Once you’ve focused on the question, you will fire your arrows out into the field.” He gestured while he spoke. “To be clear, there is to be NO aiming of arrows in any direction but the open field. No shooting at classmates. No going to retrieve your arrows until EVERYONE has finished firing their three arrows in your line.” For the obvious reason he didn’t want any of them skewered. “The arrow that flies furthest is the answer. Pay keen attention to where your arrows fall. Begin.” OOC: We’ve come to the final activity! You will have until Saturday, October 20 @ 10 am EST to get it done. You don’t have to wait til everyone is done firing to have your student retrieve their arrow, simply assume in your post that everyone is done. They will think up a question and responses—or use the same responses if they are applicable—then shoot the arrows to see which flies the furthest. As before, if you’ve got questions, feel free to ask. Catch up is perfectly acceptable.
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