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Old 10-15-2018, 01:24 PM
Goblinfrog Goblinfrog is offline
Default History of Magic lesson 1

It is a cold mid-January day. The sun may indeed have been shining outside (as it is wont to occasionally do in winter) but this does not lessen the chills you feel in any way. Luckily, History of Magic is taking place inside the castle (as usual), which means the only goosebumps you should concern yourself with are those you may get if you cross the infamously icy Professor Alice O'Hara. She is nowhere to be seen at the moment, though, but this does not mean she is not listening.

Normally you would be sent to the desk with your nametag on it, and there you would stand until the lesson had officially begun - as per school rules. Today the benches have rearranged into four distinct rows, and hanging over each row of benches is a row of flags for each one of the four Hogwarts. From the professor's view they are arranged from left to right in the same order as the seating arrangements in the Great Hall: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff. There are no nametags on any of these desks today. Presumably you are expected to stand (until instructed otherwise) in the row corresponding to your house.

But where is the History of Magic professor? Her desk is not in its usual place and a single message is written on the blackboard. Please stand by a bench corresponding to your proper Hogwarts house

Remember to follow all school rules as you wait for Alice to begin the class. She may not have been appointed by Julian, but the History of Magic teacher is infamous for strictness anyway.

OOC: Class has begun. You may pretend you were here the whole time.

First question
Second question!
Third question and mini activity
Main activity part one