Anyone? Prague and Paris had been wonderful... and the company even better, and he would be lying if he said it hadn't been difficult to tear himself away from Garrett and return to work. Ugh. BUT he had dinner to look forward to so that was something. The former Slytherin had also gotten past his writer's block and found some inspiration while he was away. Needless to say, it had been a perfect getaway with a perfect guy.
Not that he would be sharing this with any of his coworkers... in fact, he had not taken much time to get to know them all that well. He was in and out of the offices so frequently that he barely exchanged greetings with most of them. Wow... perhaps he should remedy that.
But probably not...
Smiling to himself, the Scotsman went about starting a pot of coffee and staring at a spot on the wall. Yep. This was his break time. |