Thread: Staff Work Area
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Old 09-23-2018, 06:00 PM
Zoe Zoe is offline
Default Staff Work Area

The sleek, professional, and possibly slight presumptuous appearance of the Daily Prophet fades as you enter the spacious work area. Not even the hustle and bustle of the staff can take away from the airiness of the large work area. The windows aren't real, though instead of being charmed to have pleasant views, they are charmed to show different locations of the wizarding world in real time, should anything news worthy happen unexpectedly.

Clusters of desks are scattered about the place in an organized fashion, grouped by sections of the prophet, and easily distinguished by the stacks of paper work atop the large desks. The editors have their own cluster of desks off near a large table that's used as extra workspace, or for when an impromptu gathering that doesn't require the conference room is needed.

Amongst a few framed articles, and moving pictures of photos from past assignments, is a large bulletin board for all important, and trivial, announcements. An eclectic clutter of old and new, scraps of paper, post it notes, and index cards push-pinned in, you can find anything from notices to the Prophet staff, birthdays, promotions, absences, story tips, employee of the month, and even silly notes and doodles. Of course there's coffee in the corner as well, though not as good as the stuff in the break room, it's there to keep you trucking through the long hours.