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Old 09-23-2018, 06:00 PM
Zoe Zoe is offline
Default Shrunken Head Bowling Alley

Situated on the South Side of the Street you can find a rather hip spot: the Shrunken Head Bowling Alley. You heard that right: shrunken heads. There are no muggle bowling balls here. The shrunken heads have opinions and aren't shy to taunt and tell you if you are rubbish. Be aware too that the bowling pins have a tendency to suddenly disappear, move or reappear when you least want them to. Whether you're part of one of the leagues or if you're a social player, come on in: this is the perfect place to kick back with your mates and have a laugh.

The first thing you notice upon entering the bowling alley is the flashing banner right above the counter indicating that this is where the most important person of this establishment is and where you should go first. The counter has the perfect spot, overseeing all the other areas of the bowling alley, so don't try to sneak your way past. A little further down the counter, you can find the Snack Bar, should you feel hungry. It is also overseen by the shopkeeper, which is why the two are directly connected to each other so they can easily offer assistance at both in just a few steps.

Beyond the counter and snack bar awaits the bowling lanes, divided up into three sectors: One to Four, Five to Eight and Nine to Twelve. Even from here you can hear distinct shouts from one of the bowling balls, telling whoever just threw it what a terrible player they are and that they are probably better off going home and knitting a pair of nice woolen socks. Should you not be that much into bowling, make sure to check out the Gaming Corner slightly to the left of the bowling lanes. A small variety of games have been set up, providing you and your friends with an alternative to bowling.

Text Cut: Inventory

1 Round, Single: 9 Sickles
2 Rounds, Single: 1 Galleon 1 Sickle
3 Rounds, Single: 1 Galleon 8 Sickles
4 Rounds, Single: 2 Galleons 2 Sickles
5 Rounds, Single: 2 Galleons 6 Sickles
Group (of 5 to 10): 7 Sickles/person/game
Larger groups/parties, please talk to the shopkeeper!


Pizza: 16 Sickles 3 Knuts
- Mooncalf Cheese
- Pepperoni
- Sausage
- Veggie
- Extreme
French Fries: 6 Sickles 19 Knuts
- Chili Fries
- Dragon Cheese Fries
- Flaming Chilli Cheese Fries*
Nimbus Biting Nachos:* 8 Sickles
Boneless Chicken Wings (+sauce): 11 Sickles 21 Knuts
- Mild
- Spicy
- Acid
- Dragon Blood
Hamburgers/Cheeseburgers: 15 Sickles 5 Knuts
Hot Dogs: 12 Sickles 6 Knuts
Orion Onion Rings: 7 Sickles 10 Knuts
Knickerbocker Glory: 9 Sickles 15 Knuts


Sodas: 3 Sickles 8 Knuts
- Fizzy Flavors
- Italian Sodas
- Rootbeer
Juices: 4 Sickles 28 Knuts
- Lemonade
- Exploding Lemonade*
- Pumpkin
- Cherry Syrup
Butterbeer: 7 Sickles 15 Knuts
Firewhiskey: 8 Sickles 3 Knuts
Nettle wine: 8 Sickles 15 Knuts
Gillywater: 7 Sickles
Simison Steaming Stout: 7 Sickles 23 Knuts
Elderflower wine: 7 Sickles 15 Knuts

*The proprietor is not responsible for any injuries that may befall customers who drink/eat potentially hazardous items on the menu. If you don't know that the flames on the flaming chili cheese fries are real, and should be put out before consumption, then you shouldn't be eating them. You also shouldn't be drinking exploding lemonade or ordering biting nachos for that matter. Or Acid sauce. How is it you are capable of ordering for yourself?
This shop is NOT STAFFED and has a NPC shopkeeper.