open post??? in this economy????? you wanna fite? | 💚 nickleback 💚 | Uh, anyway. Julie had very quietly made her way to the kitchens. It was not yet anywhere near curfew but so many of her friends had been punished for doing so little that the Seventh Year Slytherin was being every extra bit of cautious she could be. Her own common room was quieter these days thanks to the absences of quite a few older and younger students, and the kitchens- with it's forever hustle and bustle was a welcome, warming change.
Her curls were tied back, her uniform was clean and pristine and all Julie wanted was a nice big helping of steak and kidney pie before she headed back to her quiet common room and mangled pile of homework. Was that really too much to ask? And really, who was asking? Julie had never once been told in all her years at Hogwarts she could not visit the kitchens and if it wasn't a rule than clearly it was perfectly fine. Harmless, and perhaps even helpful considering just how skinny she was getting.
Too skinny, for her liking, but there was little she could do aside from eat and eat to try to get back the fullness of her hips. Which, coincidentally brought Julie's thoughts right back to the aforementioned large helping of steak and kidney pie. Maybe she'd really go crazy and have a root-beer too. It was quite the rebellion she was plotting.
__________________ the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence