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Old 09-25-2018, 10:13 PM   #191 (permalink)
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Join Date: May 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander River Hirsch
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:

x11 x11
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse

Text Cut: the dreamiest
Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok View Post
Some more nodding from Théodore. He didn't remember how exactly short he was since he never cared enough to remember the exact number. but he was. now he was almost 6 foot 3. Yikes. Stretching Charm sounds like it would have hurt. He seems to remmber someone trying that when he was like in fourth year.

"No, no stretching charm. I would have been up in the hospital wing if i tried that. Think its painful"

See Lucas was a smart one and didn't even need Théo tell tell him which of the jobs they should do. He was fine with harvesting.

"Good idea. distract one long enough for me to sever some wood. Guess dont feel too rejected if one well rejects you"

Now they had a plan now at least

No Stretching Charms? AT ALL?!

Lucas found this hard to believe. Because, uh, the boy was towering over everyone and he was sure that that wasn't natural. But then he mentioned something about Stretching Charms being painful and ending up in the Hospital Wing and...... yeah, that was not happening. That was all he needed to hear to know not to do that.

Not that he was going to but...... you know. It was a plan.

"Yeah.... I don't want to end up in the Hospital Wing. Not for something like this." Maybe for something COOL but he wasn't sure what that was. "You're very lucky, then." And he felt a little deflated that he didn't know what Théo's secret was but that was that.

And they had a Bowtruckle to lure, didn't they?

Lucas nodded and started grabbing as much Woodlice as he could fit in his tiny palms. Oh, and fairy eggs? He grabbed one of those too. He had to admit: the woodlice were........ weird to hold. Really weird. He pulled a face at the woodlice and tried to hold it as far away from his body as possible. He was sure he didn't have to worry about any jumping out and attacking him but they were BUGS and...... yeah. It was weird.

But the rest of the process was pretty simple. He chose a spare branch that was closer to his height than Théo's - sorry, Théo - and held up his hand to the branch. Just there. Now if a Bowtruckle could come and take the offering as quickly as possible, they could move on and high-five about all of this later. That was the exact plan he had in-

Oh! Look, a Bowtruckle!

Lucas's eyes widened as he watched the Bowtruckle closely. He...... didn't really know what the Bowtruckle was feeling but something told him that this one didn't like him. Like, at all. Or didn't like the food. Or was just naturally grumpy. Was this the Headmaster of Bowtruckles? Because it looked like it wanted to give him detention on the spot.

His bit his lip and tried not to look away, just in case this sent the Bowtruckle off but it was no use because next minute.....


....... Uh, wait, wasn't he partnered with a cool kid? "I mean....." He cleared his throat. "that..... didn't really hurt......."

Flustered, the first year moved his hand to ANOTHER unmarked branch. One higher up and away from the grumpy Bowtruckle and its sharp pokes. Théo had said not to feel too rejected if one rejects you but he couldn't help it. Was he that bad at luring Bowtruckles?! He didn't understand but one thing he knew was that it wasn't supposed to take THIS long to lure one of the tree-dwellers. Maybe it was.... the wrong day? Yeah. Maybe they could come back another day to try out this process and-

Was that another Bowtruckle?!

It was hard to tell because of all the leaves but he was sure he was seeing a curious little face. Trying not to think about what happened last time, Lucas smiled, just in case that helped to convince the Bowtruckle. Not a wide beam, but a shy, sheepish smile because that was all he could manage right now. There was a pause from the Bowtruckle before it moved closer....

..... and closer......

.......... and started eating the woodlice.

Lucas sighed in relief and even looked back at Théo. Was he SEEING this?! Turning back to the Bowtruckle, he decided to give it a fair egg as well just because it had been a good little Bowtruckle who wasn't poking him. This was a good feeling, wasn't it? He turned to Théo, smiling widely because they were halfway there.

Your turn.
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