urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse ...........
Uh. So, people were leaving.
Lucas blinked as he looked around and saw the Head Girl and then the Hufflepuff Prefect and Zoryn get up and go. It was.... sad. What if they wanted to stay? And wanted to learn? But something - and he didn't really understand what because it was all very confusing and he wasn't a student leader - was stopping them so they had to go. For themselves. He didn't..... really like any of this so he just sat there and sipped on his hot choc-
Lucas sat up immediately, his eyes wide. This was happening today? TODAY?! His mind immediately went to one Mr Airey Flamsteed, who'd been teaching them when they were young, and silently started wondering if the man was going to be watching the eclipse today too. Maybe he should write and ask. Maybe.
But letters were being inspected which...... made him feel worried to send anything in writing.
Shaking his head to scratch out that idea, he started thinking about the question. What DID he know about eclipses? He knew that there were two types: the one that has the sun and the one that doesn't have the sun. Basically. And...... oh! His hand went up in the air. "So..... uh, a lunar eclipse," Which was what they were concentrating on, right? "can last up to..... I think it's four hours? Yeah, FOUR! That's a very long time."
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