Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<# Hanna commenced chewing her finger nails at the suggestion of wearing her SORE uniform. "Well I just... I don't want to risk it. And I don't want to... to ask for permission", she said the last bit quieter. The two new men made her very nervous.
Hanna smiled about being study buddies. "Great," she said. That was a big relief. Better than one mind was two! At least sometimes, anyway. But she found herself shaking her head at the question. "No, not really. I mean I don't struggle with it, but I definitely lack the inner eye." And the interest. "Are you?"
She was distracted by a pop, and looked to see one of the house elves starting to clean the instruments. Hanna didn't know their names, at least not all of them, but she greatly appreciated the work they did. "Hello," she said to the elf.
But it wasn't just the house elf to appear. In came Professor O'Hara. Hanna was quite relieved it wasn't one of the two new men, but found herself flicking back to all the things she and Benji had been talking about, worried that they had been caught. No, no... she didn't recall them saying or doing anything against the rules. "Hello Professor O'Hara," she said, and then noticed the thing she was carrying. "That's beautiful!"
__________________ EVASIVE | RESTLESS | MISUNDERSTOOD always on the move |