Originally Posted by
Lissy Longbottom
Nettie smiled. "Well, I'll lure one out, and then when it takes the wood lice from me, you can take the wood from the branch under the bowtruckle," she explained. Seemed easy enough. Hopefully they'd like her offering...otherwise this was going to be a LOT more complicated.
Goggles in place, she took a handful of the wood lice and approached the tree. "Heeeere, little bowtruckles!" she called out to them. She held out her hand, and after a few moments, one of them poked it's head out from the depth of the branches and inspected her wood lice carefully. Then, it poked her finger with a little squeak. Nettie remembered Wayland saying that was a sign to back off, so she quickly drew her hand away.
Alright. So THAT one had no interest in her.
She moved on to the next branch, hoping that ONE of them would want her offering. After a few more minutes, a tiny bowtruckle, smaller than the one before, inspected her offering and then picked up some of the wood lice, nibbling at it. Nettie smiled and then handed it a fairy egg, like Wayland had done. The bowtruckle let out a happy squeak (she assumed it was happy?) and then started to munch away on the egg.
Looked like it was all clear for Stella...
Stella nodded.
" Ok got it, good luck!" she said giving her a soft warm smile. Stella Hoped it waw was easy for her, she looked around and seen that some people were having some trouble. They looked so cute, how can they harm you?
Stella watched and waited seeing the Bowtruckle poke Nettie's fnnger she bit her lip.
" Well... that didn't go well, I'm sure it'll be better the next time around. " she said with an encouraging smile. Ok... so this might be alittle bit hard, but that's ok not everything in life was easy at first.
Seeing the a smaller Bowtruckle took Nettie's offer she smiled. Reaching her hand gently through the branch and took the wood under the branch that was under the Bowtruckle.
"There! I got it!" she said happily.
"Aw...it's so cute, good job!" she said.