Everybody Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.
Kaitlynn looked up from her notebook and noticed that the trees around the lake seemed to have become quiet popular since she decided to take a seat and lose herself in her scribbles. She spotted another Ravenclaw who she was certain was named Benji looking just as lost in his mind as she was in hers. His sigh drifted on the breeze and she was tempted to walk over and ask if he was okay but she held her position.
Having looked up from her notebook, she caught sight of Professor Marchand and returned his nod while waving at the Gryffindor girl (Sylvie)she didn't even know. It was nice of her to wave though seeing as this school was being dictated by human dementors who seemed to have managed to suck all the happiness out of the air.
And as if on cue, her head swiveled in the other direction to see another pair of people. It was a new man she hadn't seen, but she had a feeling she knew who he was. Professor Stewart was gone, courtesy of those human dementors, and if she was right, that was her new Head of House and the new Muggle Studies Professor. She watched as he spoke to another Ravenclaw (Mark) and just by his posture she had a feeling that he was another human dementor.
She turned away from the two and debated if she should just pack it up and head back inside or try to stick it out and hope that the negativity didn't find it's way to her.
__________________ She Can't Help Herself. Her Mind Won't Slow Down. Watch Out! There's A NEW Ravenclaw In Town. |