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Hogwarts RPG Name: Bramble "Bram" Wyatt Lennox Graduated | It's a lot to read, sorry -_- Tristan is thorough. Doesn't want his students hurt ;) ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun SPOILER!!: Jessa Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo She looked, she definitely looked and as it turned out there didn’t seem like anyone left for her to partner with. Not particularly bummed, Jessa raised her hand to gain the Professor’s attention. Even as she did, the Ravenclaw gave another look about the area wanting to make absolutely sure. “Professor, I don’t have a partner, may I summon one of my choosing?” Very serious question. She could. Lise was currently on standby, as were a few of her other dolls. All would be useful today—though some she would have to tweak the charms for.
Lise would be the best fit for the job, having the most autonomy.
She moved forward to collect her own little kit of sorts, noticing there were two goggles. It wouldn’t be necessary for the doll but for the sake of getting it right, she was sure she could shrink it down.
Duplicating herself was another option. Tristan looked at Jessa like she had two heads, before quickly catching himself and giving her a small smile. "Sorry Jessa, but no. Why don't you go help Kaitlynn and Hanna? I"m sure they could learn a lot from you." He paused, "If you don't want to help them, I think you are probably one of the few students that could handle this alone. I'll be here if you need help. But I will leave the decision up to you." He hoped she chose to help, but he knew Jessa didn't usually like to work with anyone else. Checking his watch, he looked around to make sure that everyone had paired up. He looked over at the little creature who happened to be staring at all the students, and whispered, "Alright, Dahlia, you stay in my pocket please, while I demonstrate what they are to do, okay?" He handed her a Fairy Egg and she nodded in agreement, and she slid down to the bottom of his pocket.
With a grin, he clapped his hands twice to get everyone's attention. "Alright, so in your supply kit there are two pairs of goggles, a container of dried Wood Lice, an empty container, and a jar of Fairy Eggs. You MUST wear the goggles because I don't want your eyes to get hurt...just in case. If you wear glasses, don't worry, they are magical goggles and will shape to your face so they wont be uncomfortable." He paused to collect his thoughts. "Now, your task is to attempt to lure one Bowtruckle per pair of students, and one only. The Bowtruckles in these trees are a wild branch from the Forbidden Forest, not the Bowtruckles that you have encountered in our barn. They are not like Dahlia who will pretty much go to anyone that gives her food." He heard a faint quick squeaking and a little kick in his pocket and grinned. "It is going to be a lot harder to convince these creatures that you are a friend and not a threat. They may reject you completely, if that's the case, move on to another creature so that you don't get harmed." He paused to let that warning sink in. "After you have lured your Bowtruckle, one of you needs to keep the creature distracted, while the other harvests a two inch by at least 12 inch in length piece of wood from the tree using the Severing Charm, or harvest enough wood lice to fill the empty container in your kit. They aren't hard to find. All you have to do is make a small hole in the tree and then use a summoning charm and they will start flying into your jar." He said with a small grin.
He walked slowly towards one of the trees in the pasture. "Now watch me as I attempt to lure one of these lovely little creatures." He paused about a foot away from the trunk, and slowly filled his hand with Wood Lice. He held his hand up to one of the branches, and waited patiently for a creature to appear. Soon enough to brown beady eyes were staring down at his hand. He grinned, hoping to show the creature that he wasn't a threat, but apparently that didn't soothe the creature. It quickly poked one of his fingers, and ran back up into the tree, hidden by the thick foliage. Tristan quickly transferred the wood lice to his other hand, resting it against another branch close by. Soon enough another creature that had to have been exactly eight inches and very hefty for a Bowtruckle, crept it's way out of the leaves, sniffing at his hand before plopping itself down and eating it's way through half of the wood lice before Tristan could move his hand towards him. He quickly plucked a fairy egg from his pocket offering it to the chubby little Bowtruckle. It squeaked with delight and snatched the egg away. "Once one Bowtruckle has accepted you, the rest will not bother you. So your partner cannot harvest wood or wood lice until a Bowtruckle has accepted the food. As you have seen, it may take a couple attempts to get one to accept. If a Bowtruckle pokes your finger, don't be startled, that is a warning and you should move away from that branch immediately. If you decide to harvest wood, take it from under the branch that that Bowtruckle was on." He looked down at his new friend, and saw that it had eaten ever bit of wood lice and the entire egg with in the few minutes of his explanation. He chuckled a little, and moved his hand back to the exact branch the chubby guy was on. Tristan marked and X into the wood with his wand. "I marked it so you don't go to this branch; he's been fed." Tristan said with a grin, before walking back over to the group. "Alright now is the time to decide who is doing what and get on with your tasks! If you harvest wood, there is a container by the barn labeled 'Wand Wood' where you can deposit it. If you harvest the wood lice, as stated before collect them into the empty container and leave them in your kit. Good luck! And if you have an questions, meed more food, or need help just call for me! " Tristan gestured to the trees with his arms like he was showing the prize from a muggle game show. OOC: Alright SO! Figure out who is doing the luring and who is doing the harvesting, and what you will be harvesting. Then Lure the creatures exactly like Professor Wayland did. Once you have lured a creature and it is thoroughly distracted by the food, harvest the wood/wood lice. Diffindo is the severing charm and Accio is the summoning charm, for those who don't remember. Once you or your partner have harvested, place the creature back onto it's branch. Post as much as you want! Have fun with it, but please no serious injuries! You can have their hands/face get scratched up, but no eyes, please, seeing as they have protective goggles! Thank you! You have until the 25th at 10 pm EST to complete this activity. If you have questions please PM or VM me, OR call out the professor in a post! Good luck and have fun!
__________________ ⫷ ⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to... 
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸ ⫸ |