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Old 09-20-2018, 03:00 AM   #169 (permalink)
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: SHIELD's Helicarrier
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Idris Ace Grunt
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dynah Aavni Atreyu-Rehman
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Krittika Saanvi Joshi
Sixth Year

x12 x12
Default We see you all <3
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: Scrimgeour <_<
Originally Posted by Julian Scrimgeour View Post
His brow raised when the Slytherin Prefect began to speak. The word but indicated the boy had something to say. A glare from the man was the result of that, daring Carden to continue with his statement. But he did not. A wise decision, a wise decision indeed.

The other Slytherin, the loud one, had an expression on his face that was noticed. Scrimgeour hoped that Stewart was taking notes on this. The wincing, the nodding of acknowledgement, and that obedient response. THIS was bliss. THIS was why consequences were important. THIS was proof that a student had immediately learned their lesson. "You can take five points back for your proper response, Mr. Choi. Do make sure to keep your voice under control in the future."

Lo and behold, Scrimgeour could be gracious when one owned up to their mistakes.

Kettleburn's plait flip went unnoticed. The man's attention went instead to the other students in the room. There were wide eyes, others were giving him quick glances, and the rest remained focused on their task. He hoped they observed and learned something that was, arguably, more important than their wishy washy Muggle Studies lesson.

Blue eyes darted toward Stewart like daggers when she addressed him. Now she was going to demand control of her classroom? The woman had no control whatsoever, not with students throwing snide comments or shouting inside a classroom.

"My taking of points is final," he replied nonchalantly. "And I recommend you come to terms with using consequences to enforce school rules. It is part of your job." For now.

Without another word, the man exited the room. He had seen enough. A much-needed change would be on the way very soon...

Excuse him. She DID enforce the school rules but these were minor offenses happening during HER lessons. If they were repeated, then is when she would move to more severe actions. Students slipped up unintentionally. Didn’t he ever get that through his thick skull? Kay decided it was best she continue glaring and not saying anything. She hardly used profanities but around Scrimgeour it was difficult; she was so close to loosing her temper. It was a mercy that he left.

SPOILER!!: Hanna! <3
Originally Posted by Jessiqua View Post
Uhh ohh... drama!llama. Hanna felt very uncomfortable with conflict, and found her body responding by trying to look small. She slunk down in her seat a little, and moved her chair closer to the table. Small thoughts.

But seeing as Headmaster Scrimmy turn and leave left her with an audible sigh of relief.


This whole school situation was horrible.

Was it too late to write home and ask her parents to withdraw her?

Hanna took some moments after Professor Stewart spoke to get her own head-thoughts under control. Rational thoughts. Breathe.

She raised her hand and said "I'm not sure I'll use it much. It just seems a bit... slow," she said. She could take her quill to paper and knock out an entire piece of parchment, back and front, in the time it would take her to even open the email, let along typing the message. Good gravy, it would take her all day. "But I like the games!" she said with a big smile. "I think I'll play with those sometime." When she needed to lose her thoughts to something fun.

A deep breath and a brief second of closing her eyes to regain her composure then Kaysha was back into swing of things. It was safe to say that Scrimgeour and his visit were still on her mind, however. “Not at all, Ms. Newton. It’s just the system that I have. Once upgraded, I assure you that there will be by far more efficient and faster.’’ She grinned. “I’m glad that you do. You’re welcome to use the systems for that at any time.’’

SPOILER!!: Jessa! <3
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post


"It''s..." Jessa was all set to answer the woman's question on what the game was, subtly moving her finger about while her other hand worked the mouse but then the Headmaster happened and suddenly she was finding it hard to concentrate on both manipulating the game and the Professor herself. "It's..." Was he going to be staying for the whole lesson? The time was almost up and he didn't seem any keener to be leaving.

As if her class anxiety wasn't bad enough.

Jessa forced her attention back to the woman, trying not to stare at the man for too long in case he saw it as some act of defiance and turned his attention to her.

She blinked a few times, trying to regain some focus. "I'm sorry, Professor, what was the question again?"

Kaysha barely noticed it but she suddenly realised that one of Jessa’s finger was moving. The image of Jessa’s lips moving flashed into her mind. “Ms. Cambridge,’’ she said slowly. “Are you using magic during my lesson?’’ The woman had just put two and two together and was looking rather sternly at the Head Girl. “I’m utterly disappointed in you. That will be twenty points from Ravenclaw.’’ Yes, from her own House.

SPOILER!!: Max! <3
Originally Posted by Waterloo View Post
Max breathed a sigh of relief when the new Headmaster finally left the room. Ughhhh. He was not a nice dude. Was there a petition they could sign to get Hawthorne back? She could be super intimidating at times too, but at least she was fair. And she was pretty. Why had all the pretty Professors left?

…… well, maybe not all of them.

He nodded and flushed a light shade of red when Professor Stewart whispered words of reassurance at him while making her rounds. He then turned to his dormmate who was also offering reassurance. Oh, and would you look at that. His cheeks almost matched Lucas’ hair. “Yeah, I guess. It’s cool… no big deal, right?”


And as for Professor Stewart’s final question of the lesson? He chose to stay quiet because he was still mad at the internet for ruining his favourite comic and he didn't want to get into even more trouble.

“No big deal,’’ Kay assured Max before moving on. As she was taking answers, she happened to glance in his direction. No response? Possibly his mind was still on Scrimgeour.

SPOILER!!: Madison! <3
Originally Posted by WhittyBitty View Post
Nodding, Madison pushed the power button like the professor had instructed. After holding it down for a few moments, the machine made a sound and the screen went black. Huh. She would definitely make a mental note for the future. "No problem, Professor Stewart. I'm really liking this lesson." She was such a nice teacher, and hopefully she wouldn't get into too much trouble with the Headmaster.

Speaking of which, he was leaving.

Good riddance.

After rolling her eyes at his back, she pushed the power button again, holding it down until the system booted up once more. She was back in business! And it only took a couple more minutes for everything to be up and running. Things seemed to be perfectly fine, if not a little slow and Madison figured that it was probably best not to play anything that could potentially get the screen frozen again. So her best bet was something like a card game.

Once Chrome was up and running again, she entered 'free online games' into the google search, and went with the first site that caught her attention, scrolling through the long list of games. A lot of them seemed to be REALLY fun, and there were ones that played like video games, but there was no way that the computer would be able to run them. It was just too old and slow. A card game was still the best option, and she clicked on the first one that popped up on the list.

Spider Solitaire.

Madison had never played that before, and it seemed as good an option as any. Shrugging, she clicked on the link for it and went to play in easy mode since she was not familiar with it yet. Seemed pretty simple too... All the cards were one colour, and it looked as if she just had to gather the cards together in descending order from King down to Ace.

Slowly she proceeded to build the piles up, uncovering cards and occasionally adding more to the mix by pushing the face down cards to the side of the screen. It was pretty easy to play and there was no freezing, so that was pretty cool. Too bad she had ran into a little bit of a problem as far as not having any more cards to play. What was she supposed to do when none of the cards worked together and she didn't have any free spaces to move anything around???

There was an option to start a new game, and Madison clicked on it, figuring that she would get it right this time. Maybe.

Kay beamed. Madison’s words were rather heartwarming. “I’m glad you are, Ms. Valentine.’’

SPOILER!!: Nettie! <3
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post

The headmaster had finally left and Nettie finally felt like she could breathe easy again. She continued to play her candy crush game but noticed that not many people had answered the question, so she raised her hand. "I think I like the search aspect. It's cool having so much information at your fingertips," she explained.

“That’s great,’’ Kay replied when she had called on Nettie and was provided with an answer. “Research online is actually quicker compared to research done by books.’’ That was certainly sad as she was someone who loved books.

SPOILER!!: Abra! <3
Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
Now that he'd finally searched for the thing they were supposed to be searching for, Abra felt a bit better. Just a little bit. Enough that, when Professor Stewart spoke to him again, he managed a weak smile in her direction because, yes... yes, it was okay, really. Once he stopped being so flustered, the task seemed a lot easier, and less stressful.

Of course, perhaps the fact that the Headmaster had left had a lot to do with that. The moment he had slipped out of the classroom, Abra had felt a huge wave of relief wash over him. He simply could not relax in the man's presence, it was utterly impossible. And, actually, he didn't really see how they could put anyone like that, such an anxiety-provoking person, in a teaching position, but... you know... he wasn't going to say that out loud. Obviously.

Clicking experimentally on one of the lines of blue words on his screen, Abra jumped just ever so slightly when everything changed, and instead of the google, he was faced with lots of little pictures on a new page. Those, he supposed, were the games, and Abra looked over them for a good few minutes before finally clicking on a picture with a lot of colourful circles on it.

A new page came up, and at first, nothing really happened apart from the appearance of the word 'Loading', but after a few more moments, the colourful circles appeared, with one circle down at the bottom of the thingy. Though the game had no instructions, he found he could sort of guess what he was supposed to do. But how was he supposed to do it?

Moving the mouse over the game, Abra saw that the little bubble-pointer thing at the bottom of the screen sort of... followed it, and pointed at wherever the mouse-pointer was. He clicked, and the coloured circle - or, well, he supposed it was a bubble - was released in the same direction. For a moment, Abra had fun sending bubbles every which way, but before long the rows of bubbles at the top of the screen suddenly started moving down. Eventually they reached the bottom, and Abra got a 'Game Over' message.

Feeling as though he had more of an idea of what to do now, Abra clicked 'Play Again' and this time, when the bubbles all appeared at the top of the screen, he made a real effort to match the colours up. Before long it became clear that that was what he was supposed to do, as the matched up bubbles began popping and disappearing. Okay... okay, so this was pretty fun, he could do this.

As Professor Stewart addressed the class, Abra glanced up at her for the briefest of moments, and then looked back down at his game. He clicked around a few more times, popping some more colourful bubbles, before chiming in with his own opinion. "I... think it's okay." The internet, that was. "This game is good, I like it. But I don't know that I like the sound of that email thing, if it wants to know things about me." He was, of course, referring to the simple task of filling in his details.

Kaysha nodded. “I understand.’’ She really did. “I’d like to commend you on your caution. It is never really truly a good thing to give certain information, especially, out.’’ This would be covered thoroughly in future lessons.

* * * * * * *

Kaysha looked to her watch. "Time's up, everyone! If you would be so kind to help me shut down the computers. This is done by moving the mouse's arrow To the four squares on the bottom left hand side of the screen. Click once and you'll see the option that says 'Shut down'. Click on that once as well. Once you have, you may leave. Great work today, all of you. Remember to keep your heads up and focus on your lessons!'' Just some encouragement for them all...

OOC: HI! This has brought us to the end of our lesson! No more catching up after this post but you can post your characters leaving if you like. The thread will close in about 6 hours Thank you SO much for playing! <3 Say goodbye to Kay because she’ll have no more lessons for obvious reasons
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The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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