“Hey, it’s not like we don’t wear uniform for everything else. I’d be surprised if we’re not asked to wear them under quidditch robes or in the lake”, Ewan whispered as Beth came and joined him.
Sitting up a little now, his eyes wandered towards Professor Wayland, ready for the first instruction of the day. Raising his hand in a flash, Ewan couldn’t help but blurt out one of his favourite creatures “One answer Professor. I’d have to say a Sloth, Sir. They’re just so interesting!”, his enthusiasm getting the better of him.
Quickly, he turned to Beth and eyed her, a mischievous smile on his face. “Hey. Hey Beth. What do sloths throw when it snows?”, a little chuckle escaping as he poked her playfully. Not giving her time to answer, “SLOWBALLS!!!”,he shouted, his laugh echoing off into the distance. “Ooops. Sorry Professor”. |