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Old 09-18-2018, 12:23 AM   #61 (permalink)
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Stella Marie Reed
Daily Prophet News Reporter
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means

Text Cut: Individual replies
Text Cut: Hanna
Originally Posted by Jessiqua View Post
It was nice being around the Professors who showed slight signs of dislike towards the new regiment. It kind of made the students, at least she assumed, feel justified in their dislikes towards it. But for now, this lesson felt safe.

And now she could see exactly what flying and potions had in common. Healing! The subject of healing potions was very interesting, especially as Hanna had received enough injuries from her own dancing background. Plus flying always carried risk. Raising her hand, remembering one such instance she had an injury when playing on the broomstick at home, she said "Nosebleeds can be treated in the muggle world with compression of the nostril and ice on the forehead and back of the neck." She knew because that's what had happened to her. It stopped within about fifteen minutes, though. "But in the wizarding world, I think there's some clotting potions you could use."

Haraldur nodded. ”Very good, Hanna.” He said, and began pacing in front of the students again. ”Nosebleeds are actually a very common injury one might suffer from in a Quidditch match.” A Bludger or an elbow to the face? Not rare. ”And both compression and ice helps.”

Text Cut: Natalie
Originally Posted by sarahlooo View Post
Natalie very strongly disliked flying, but since Potions was involved, she was there. Though she didn't really see how Potions and Flying had anything to do with each other... Perhaps a potion to polish a broomstick? That sounded boring. She didn't have to wonder too long though, because class was beginning. Arms crossed over her chest, Natalie listened to the Groundskeeper, feeling a bit awkward as his voice clearly established how much he didn't like the new leadership at the school.

She tried to ignore it and focus on the lesson. They were talking about home remedies for injuries, specifically injuries that could happen during quidditch. Quidditch was a dangerous game, in Natalie's opinion, and she got worried any time any of her friends went to play.

There were several injuries one could have during quidditch... Natalie raised her hand. "There's a bruise removal paste. My mum has some in the cupboard." She didn't have to use it as often now that Natalie was older and more graceful as a human being, but when she and Liam were younger, they often had bruises to take care of.

”Yes, that’s true.” He mused after calling upon the young Ravenclaw. ”And bruising is known to happen in Quidditch.”

Text Cut: Théo
Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok View Post
He must have been seeing things, oh well. A million blackboards through six years and eventually you think things are written on them anyway. He was not one to be looking sharp right now or really ever. Have you ever seen his uniform? Never sharp.

injuries sucked there was no way around that. They hurt and kept you from playing and you could not rush them or you risk getting injured again. Double bummer there. He knew about RICE and all that but anything above putting some tap on an ankle or using a brace or stuff like that he left to trainers to tell him who to take care of his body. Théo raised his hand.

"Well for just sprains and stuff you can use RICE. Rest it, ice it, compress it and then elevated it. Also, ibuprofen works too but i don't know if those two are home remedies"

They were just common knowledge type stuff

And like he said he left anything more advanced to U17 medical staff and such.

The flying instructor stopped his pacing and turned to look over at Théo. ”That was exactly what I hoped one would answer, Théo. RICE is one of the methods we will cover in today’s class. Very good, my boy.”

Text Cut: Ryder
Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
With a slight grunt to Professor Baldvinsson's greeting, he stretched out his legs and lent forward a little to stretch out his back. If they were going to be flying today, might as well be extra prepared despite having ran a million miles that morning and WHY CAN'T HE SIT?

Glancing up to Professor Noble, he made a face before begrugingly standing again.

Shifting his weight, he shoved his hands into his pockets as the class started, though he couldn't help the pit forming in his stomach. Quidditch was still a go-ahead for the term, but the mention of changes made him nervous still. Who knew when the headmaster would make it a rule that the sport couldn't be played anymore. Probably should take advantage of this class then. He hadn't heard of that rice technique before.

Or eyebooprotein. Gross.

"You can walk it off and ignore it," he said, half raising his hand. Y'know, like the pros do!

”Well…” Haraldur scratched his chin and started walking again. ”I wouldn’t recommend ignoring an injury. If not properly taken care of it might turn worse and take even longer to recover from.”

Text Cut: Max
Originally Posted by Waterloo View Post

Max breathed a sigh of relief when Professor Baldvinsson assured him there would be no flying today. Thank Merlin. As for Professor Noble's question? It was enough to turn the tips of his ears a glowing red. Can't fly AND won't fly. Although mostly won't fly. Nope.

Hopefully it was a rhetorical question because he was already on his way to one of the jars of bluebell flames in a hurry to set his cauldron up before class officially started.

Home remedies for injuries wasn't exactly one of his strongest subjects despite his mother being a Healer. Up until recently and before the introduction of S.O.R.E, he simply didn't exercise so it wasn't as if he'd had much experience with sports related injury.

Still, he decided to give it a shot and raised an arm. "Shouldn't you just....... rest?" Simple.

”Yes, rest is important of course, Max.” Haraldur started. ”Although, resting too much could also become a problem, depending on the type of injury we’re talking.” Just to keep that as a reminder.

Text Cut: Chloe
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Home remedies were allllllll the rage in the Kettleburn family, especially since they had an extensive garden and two very well read parents. Chloe nodded along gamely at the question and some of her classmates' suggestions before her own arm shot into the air. And there was a good arm twist and wiggle for attention.

"Professor! I mean, professors! My mum brews willow bark tea for headaches and muscle pain. It's better than most Muggle medicines and even some magical ones."

”Willow bark tea…” Haraldur had many thoughts about this, the main one being that he just didn’t believe in it. But he just nodded slowly. ”Hm, well, if you feel it’s relieving your pain then by all means, Chloe. However, I strongly suggest you advice a medical professional or Healer before saying it’s better than Muggle or magical medicines.” That was a dangerous road to go down.

Text Cut: Benjamin
Originally Posted by awakemysoul View Post
Benji raised his hand and offered, "Stretching well beforehand can help prevent injury, but it can also help speed up recovery if you do get injured. Stretching out the injured area carefully and slowly can help it regain its mobility. Ice is good, too. Sometimes athletic trainers will use special tape on injuries, but I'm not really sure how that works." (Or if it counted as a home remedy...?)

Growing up playing Muggle sports like football meant that he'd seen lots of kids get hurt (and had gotten hurt himself, a few times, although his mother always just used healing spells on him when they'd gotten home). He'd seen the Muggle kids have everything from plasters to ice packs applied to skinned knees and twisted ankles...

Moving quickly on, Benjamin touched upon stretching and also mentioned ice again. ”Stretching is very important, both to prevent injuries but also to regain mobility. Very good, Benjamin.”

Text Cut: Josephine
Originally Posted by PuppySara View Post
The fourth year stood as she was told, really she'd just been waiting for class to begin. She glanced at the flying professor as he talked about the risks of flying and sports in general... that's why she avoided both for the most part... Just some yoga with her mom and a run every now and again, that was enough for her to be happily content...

Josie paused at the question though. Things that didn't need a healer? There were plenty of them, yeah? Band-aid's, rubbing alcohol... Just simple things like that... Though surprisingly she hadn't heard anyone say it, so she raised her hand, waiting her turn, "For simple scrapes or minor cuts you just have to clean it out with some rubbing alcohol, put some neosporin or aquaphor over it and cover it with a bandaid and let it heal with time." She nodded, "Or if you've practiced the spell enough you can use episkey to heal small things like a busted lip or broken nose." That's what her father did for the most part actually whenever he'd hurt himself.

Haraldur nodded as Josephine spoke about cuts and scrapes. Not necessarily the most common injury in Quidditch but of course it did happen. The broken nose however was unfortunately, not as uncommon. ”Yes, for minor scrapes there are band aids of course and sometimes that is enough. A healing spell such as episkey is however very useful to learn early on if you’re interested in getting more involved in Quidditch. Very good, Josephine.”

Text Cut: Aaron
Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
Aaron hadn't realized he'd been practically vibrating (with his anxiety), until he fumbled the jar back to the ground at Professor Nobel's reprimand. It was a dumb mistake, no one else had touched them, but his brain had clearly disconnected from his ears or something, because yeah... he wasn't meant to touch the jar. The looming fear of Potions participation never failed.

Please, please just let him make it through this with the least amount of mistakes possible. Amen.

"Sorry, Professor." Rubbing at his flushed cheeks, he quickly ambled over to lug his cauldron back towards the jar, replacing it to rest on over the top. There! That wasn't so hard... He should've done that to begin with... Well, anyway. Professor B. at least offered a smile. The Hufflepuff had found an ally and mentor in him.... and he was starting off the lesson with some backstory! Aaron made sure to get comfortable so that all his attention was on the man. Maybe this would help him relax for whatever they were obviously about to brew. Please, please let it help.

... Heh, this opening monologue was only serving to cause his anxiety to spike. Of course he agreed about needing to be prepared and knowing simple tricks to prevent injury, but... No, no... This was fine. Everything was fine.

He had his hand raised high! Everything was fine, see?! "...How about staying hydrated? For example, drinking plenty of fluids and getting important electrolytes. I guess depending on the injury, you might not be able to move around all that well." Did he mean stuff like this?

There, there. There was no need for an apology to Noble or for that red color appearing on the young Hufflepuff’s cheeks. Inside, Noble was just like a little pygmy puff. Deep, deep inside but still. ”It is important to stay hydrated. But I wouldn’t say it’s an active way of treating a Quidditch injury.” He hurried on. ”BUT, it could definitely help prevent injury to drink lots of water.”

Text Cut: Trinetta
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
Honestly? Nettie knew nothing about home remedies. In fact, she rarely got sick. She usually would get a common head cold, and after about two days of sleep, she'd usually be back up and ready to go like nothing happened. She'd been lucky like that. Good immune system and everything. She DID take vitamins, but she felt like that wasn't what they were asking for.

Jimmy would do GREAT in this lesson. It was all his favorite things - healing stuff, potions, and flying!

Finally, after thinking about it for a while she raised her hand. "I think I heard my mum say once that taking zinc can sometimes help you recover from a cold. I don't know why or how that works, and I've never had to do it myself, but my older brother usually gets knocked out pretty hard from colds and I think he's done it to help shorten it," she explained. She was PRETTY sure that was how it had went. Either that or she completely made that up...

The flying instructor paused his pacing for a moment to take in her answer. ”While that might be true, I was thinking more of particular sport injuries.” Sure, you could catch a cold from playing Quidditch outside but that wasn’t really the way this lesson was heading.

Text Cut: Lucas
Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
While his cauldron sat perfectly still and in juuuust the right position atop the jar, he listened to Professor B. Home remedies were something his mum was pleeeeenty good at. She wanted to try ALLLLL the 'ancient practices' this and 'home-remedy-stew' that before every going to the healer. Hmph. So his hand shot right up in the air as soon as he heard the question.

"When you have an ache or something...or well, when I do, I should say, my mum always likes to do this thing called MOXIBUSTION. It kinda' hurts," he said with a slight sigh. "It's when you take a stick of mugwort - which I think is just this kind of plant - and put it on the...hurting spot. I swear it DOES work even if it sounds insane," he nodded seriously. "Mum sweeaaaaaaars by it." He had more if the professor wanted to hear more. "It's supposed to have loads more health benefits but - " he waved his hand and chuckled as he shrugged. "Who knows."


And then they were back touching upon Chloe’s previous topic. One Haraldur would have liked to avoid. ”Hm, yes, well, whatever you feel works against the pain, Lucas.” Although, he did not stand by it. ”Either way, I advice you to combine several methods to relieve your pain if you ever get injured. Moxibustion, well…” He quickly exchanged a look with Noble here, even though he knew they were both on the same page regarding this. ”Maybe you’ll learn different ways to treat an injury from today’s class.” Let’s leave it at that.

Text Cut: Derf
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Wimbourne Wasps? Really?

Though Derf kept his opinion to himself there. Quidditch was quidditch, after all, and what was best were well played matches. Though he had not been to one professionally for a long while now. Save for a few that his U-17 team had gone to together for training purposes and bonding. That had been ACE. He sorta...wondered if they could get Hogwarts to take a trip for one...but he wasn't too terribly optimistic in that working out considering the shift in focus this term.

And then class began and...Derf was a little surprised to hear the tone of the groundskeeper. Honestly...S.O.R.E wasn't THAT bad. And exercise was, well, really good for you. What was worse was the punishment in class in the form of exercise. S.O.R.E wasn't a punishment, it was an opportunity. Everything Professor Fletcher did though...that was a punishment.

....and speaking of punishment.

"Huh?" he blinked at the Potions Master, the jar still in his hand. Wait...what? They were SUPPOSED to grab the jars though!? Still, Derf did not question his Head of House, a man who had earned his respect a while ago, and promptly returned the jar from whence it had come before levitating his cauldron once more and stopped where the man had indicated. Okay...but what had he done this time?! He glanced over his shoulder, half hoping Abey would at least follow along because, well, it was tradition by this point that they suffer this subject together.

The sixth year then had a bit of a struggle, but still managed to listen dutifully as the groundskeeper continued speaking and...well... Derf was a little relieved to hear the topic. They hadn't had any healing sort of lectures since Healer Reed had left and Derf had found those very practical and informative. Not to mention real life application and almost on a daily basis. After all, this WAS Hogwarts, and he was quickly reminded of the quick thinking of Bel during the aftermath of the inferi invasion on his own broken limbs. Enough so that he tried to catch her eye to offer a smile - though he would likely be the only one between the two to understand why.

Hand up, Derf offered his two knuts on the subject. "Um...well...after a few of the U-17 practices and trainings...some of us were encouraged to take ice baths for a bit of, um...cryotherapy," he began. "Especially the beaters because of all the weight training. Said to help you recover faster and reduce muscle pain and soreness. general icing injuries and stuff helps things. I prefer using a bag of frozen peas myself. Molds to your muscles and stuff nicely as it warms from your body heat."

Derfael, now seated at the front was quick to follow Lucas to steer them back towards using ice as a way to reduce muscle pain and soreness. ”Very good Derfael. Cryotherapy is a way of using ice to relieve pain and used by many athletes. But at home you might have easier access to ice. Or frozen peas for that matter. We’ll touch upon this more as we continue.”

Text Cut: Stella
Originally Posted by Granger Danger View Post
Stella knew quite a bit about home remedies for sickness and stuff, her mum was muggleborn after all but she was also a healer. Stella sent alot of time helping her mum with potions, but her mother always told her there were herbs and spieces that work just like potions but for muggles. Although now she thought about it, mixing herbs and stuff was like potions some but not much. None the less, maybe she was going to be excellent at Potions, who knew really.

Raising her hand she looked at Professor Baldvinsson. " Professor Sir, my mum uses Castor oil on me alot when I have a sprained ankle, it got some kind of acid in it I think its ricinoleic acid or so that's an anti inflammatory that helps with the swelling. " she said biting her lip. Ok...was she a know it all? her defense being raised by a muggleborn she knew alot about muggle things.

Stella was very polite which was all good considering the new rules in place, although it did feel unusual being called ‘Sir’. Haraldur smiled warmly at the young girl. ”Castor oil is very widely used, I’d say both cosmetic and medical.” He nodded. ”But, I advice you to pay close attention in this lesson to learn about other methods to treat sport injuries.” He didn’t want the discussion return to Willow bark or Moxibustion so he quickly continued.

Text Cut: Archer
Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
Phew, they weren't going to need their brooms this lesson. A good thing, because in the scramble to gather her cauldron and potions supplies, Archer had forgotten it. And the whole 'not sitting' thing hadn't even dawned on her obviously. Though thankfully, her Head of House wasn't being all Fletcher-y about those type of mistakes. So, she popped back to her feet with an apologetic "Excuse me."

As the Flying instructor went on, Archer was feeling better and better about things. Apparently, there were bad feelings all around about the new regime. The students weren't alone. And yes, this lesson could prove very useful, if the morning S.O.R.E exercises were anything to go by. Speaking of which..... "I like to use Icy Hot. You put it on sore joints or muscles and it somehow helps to relieve the pain." She wasn't sure how it worked, actually, but it did.

Haraldur nodded. ”Yes, Icy Hot is a topical pain reliever, if I’m not mistaken.” He wasn’t terribly good at Muggle medicine but he did know the most common ones associated with sports injuries. ”It provides a cooling sensation to the injured area to dull the pain and a warming sensation to relax. Much like the methods we will cover in today’s class.”

Text Cut: Jessa
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
While Professor Baldvinsson began the lesson, Jessa finally found herself a jar and placed her cauldron on it. Had she been heading to class from her common room she may have forgotten it and suffered Noble’s ire, but that morning before class started, she had things to do that found her in her lab with all her equipment.

The Ravenclaw prepared to feign attention for the duration of most of the lesson but then the Professor started on about injuries and self healing rather than going to the Healer for everything.

As it so happened, this was a topic Jessa was familiar with thanks to some of the accidents in her lab and her subjects that sometimes needed to be patched back together. “There’s the suturing charm as well, for the nasty gashes. Numbing potions to make the sutures not hurt. Pastes to remove the scars when you’re done, unless you’re into that kinda stuff.” She wasn’t. Cuts were taken care of with varying degrees of urgency.

”Well, yes…” Haraldur continued his pacing again. ”Although suturing is not often a method for treating sports or Quidditch injuries. And also not one I advice you to do on your own at home.” Better leave all of that to the pros.

Text Cut: Natasha
Originally Posted by Angel of Music View Post
"Good morning Professors." Natasha put her cauldron on a mason jar, watching the little flame until the Professor began talking. After thinking for a minute, she raised her hand. "Depending on the injury, one can do what is called range of motion exercises. They are tailored to the specific injury, but they help strengthen the muscles again, while ensuring the muscles don't grow stiff and even more painful."

Perfect! Haraldur did a little finger gun in Natasha’s direction. Because that was still a cool thing to do with the kids, yes? ”Very good point, Natasha. Although rest is important if you’re hurt, you also need to start building up strength in those muscles again. Very important point.”

Text Cut: Beth
Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime View Post
Beth had quietly said her introductions to the Professors earlier upon her arrival then she’d…gone, quiet? Standing there in her the trousers her uniform allotted and her attention had been almost immediately grabbed by everyone speaking of the remedies they used…Jessa’s, that was intriguing.

Suturing charms? All of those sounded like brilliant inventions and she wanted to know more about them…was this going to be them healing quidditch injuries? She wondered quietly and grinned at the Professor.s

Raising her hand, ”my mother uses Arnica when my sister and I have any type of swelling or inflamm…inflammation? Oh and she uses this thing with Triphala, turmeric, ashwagandha…” she paused for a moment her voice getting smaller as she spoke ”sh-she practices Ayurveda” the words came out in a rush because…yeah this wasn’t nerve wracking at all?

Haraldur nodded as she spoke, keeping his own thoughts and opinions of the subject to himself. ”Well, if you find it helps with the pain, Beth then by all means. However,” Just like the others who had mentioned alternative medicine or homeopathy: ”Please consult a medical professional or Healer for any serious injury. And I advice you to pay attention to this class to possibly combine these methods with those you already know of.” Now, moving on.

Text Cut: Daisy
Originally Posted by Ginevra View Post
Daisy took a seat as her classmates began to answer the question that had been put to them. She honestly was at a loss of an answer that hadn't been submitted but she decided to raise her hand and answer. "I think deep tissue massage therapies such as remedial massage helps with sore muscles."

And they were back to a subject Haraldur felt more at ease with. ”Yes, very good Daisy.” He nodded. ”Deep tissue massages do indeed help after for example excessive training with sore muscles.”

Text Cut: Penny
Originally Posted by Erindipity View Post
Her heart did that thing where it seemed to expand several times its normal size while inside of her chest when Benji made his way to her. Having been busy setting her cauldron up on a jar she looked up and beamed at him. "Course ya can join me. I'd love that," she said, her face only turning the slightest hue of pink. Heh. But before she could say much else the professors began to speak and her attention was split between them... and the boy she desperately had a crush on.

Raising her hand she gave a sheepish smile before speaking, "Well... mos' everyone is sayin' to ice injuries... but me mam makes us alternate ice an' heat, sirs. Takes the swellin' down quicker and honestly makes it hurt less." That had, after all, only been her personal experience, though. Didn't mean she was right and everyone else is wrong. Just... different strokes for different folks.

Haraldur nodded. ”Very good, Penny. Just like your Housemate Sterling who mentioned Icy Hot, some injuries are treated both with cold and heat. Cold to numb the pain and swelling and the heat to relax the muscles or injured area. However, applying heat is not always a good idea for all types of injuries. Something to keep in mind.”

Text Cut: Bel
Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
Bel shot another pair of smiles at the two professors -and she did notice something that looked like it maybe WAS a smile in return from Noble! Success!- and then greeted a few of her friends and housemates as they arrived. (Hi Aaron!). But now they were getting started and she had PLENTY of answers to give on this subject, given she was such an active person and all her interests basically carried risk of injury - in fact an injury was the reason she had not been on the train and missed the opening feast even if she was fine now.

Several answers that were on the tip of her tongue were said by others, but that was okay, Bel just nodded along in agreement, put her own hand up, and offered something else, "Immobilization is sometimes the most important thing to do for an injury as immediate first aid, professors, especially for broken bones and such, and also for injuries where there's something impaling or digging into the body, to make sure that further injury doesn't happen even while you're assessing how bad it is, or while you're waiting for help, and definitely before you move the injured person." She wasn't gonna mention that she'd used a beaters bat and, you know, the arm bone of an inferi to do exactly that for Derf the previous term. No need to dwell on horrible things, even if they were effective.

”Also an important fact, Bel, very good.” Haraldur gave the Hufflepuff Captain a nod in agreement. ”Although not treating a sports injury, it is important to keep in mind to assess the situation directly after an accident. If a person is injured, things might get worse from moving them. So yes, good point, Bel.” He turned towards another Captain for more suggestions.

Text Cut: Juni
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry View Post

So what kind of flying/potions class was it going to be today. Maybe it would all make sense soon when the lesson actually starts. Juniper half laughed at Professor Baldvinsson's comment about her broom and the bluebell flames. Nooooo she didn't want her set on fire by the flames. "Is it alright if I leave it up here with you?" That way it was in a sense out of sight out of mind.

It was a high chance of her jumping on her broom and flying off to get away from this lesson if she had her broom within reach.

Now the reason for the joint flying and potions lessons had came to light. Healing and healing injuries and home remedies. This was why they did not need their brooms today. And this might actually be the only potions lessons that she would ever enjoy, because of the healing part and healing potions. She had thought about being a healer before, maybe just maybe she would. She raised her hand. ”There are plenty of home remedies you do for injuries. Ice and elevate, soak the area in epsom salt and there many physical therapy stretches you can do. “

Haraldur had quickly, but carefully, taken care of Juni’s broom. It was placed far away from the flames to prevent it from becoming a stick torch in the middle of the pitch. He then after Bel’s reply, listened to Juni’s. ”Ice and elevation, very good.” Haraldur repeated, nodding. ”Stretching is also important to regain mobility in the injured area. Very good, Juniper.”

Text Cut: Anna
Originally Posted by Hey Ju View Post
Anna grinned at both men when she realised she had JUST made it in time for class. Phew! That was close!

She also couldn't help but chuckle at Mr Baldvinsson's words about their being at the Pitch for something else other than SORE exercises. And Quidditch, mind you. But anyway, she got what he meant and was very amused by it.

The girl gave him a bright grin when he finally mentioned Quidditch and glanced at her and her fellow Captains and it all just made her SUPER happy! So happy she could SPRINT around the pitch again because WHY NOT? But sadly it seemed like this lesson would be heavily focused on Potions and that was gutting.

Home remedies and what to do when injured? Anna raised her hand. "Sometimes whatever happened is minimal and you can just run it off." She gave him her cheeky grin. Not that she had ever done that she totally had, but shhh nor would she ever make any of her teammates do it unless it was crucial to their winning the Cup, so watch out, Gryffindor team, but y'know. Some people did it.

"Stretching can be good too, depending on the injury." She added just in case her previous answer wouldn't be acceptable. What Theo and some others had mentioned about RICE made her nod vehemently. Yep, been there, done that. All that plus run it off: ideal remedies for this one lioness, yep.

Merlin help her not to have any more serious injuries because she WOULD try and run them off.

Also, the whole conversation was already making her curious about the Potion. Not curious enough to volunteer getting herself injured like she knew her eldest brother would, but she wanted to see what was what and adding something else to her not-so-long list of home remedies would be good because going to the Hospital Wing was probably one of her least favourite things to do ever. Ain't nobody got time to rest, pshhh.

He would have been surprised if his Gryffindor Captain hadn’t suggested to just ignore and run it off. ”I wouldn’t advice anyone to ignore it and run it off, Anna.” He gave her a reprimanding look. ”And I trust you to not suggest this to your teammates.” See, Noble? He could be reprimanding. Sometimes. Anna knew he trusted her leadership. ”Stretching however is very useful and can help to speed up recovery. But in every situation, you must give it time yourself time to assess the situation before directly moving on to stretching.”

Text Cut: Lukas
Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
.......... Uh........

Was it just him or did Baldvinsson not LIKE the SORE exercises?

Lucas's eyes widened and he looked around at the others to see if anyone else had picked up on this. He wasn't imagining it, right? It was THERE, right? As clear as these bluebell jars. It was nice, really, to know that the adults also didn't like the new regime or the new Headmaster or any of it. Maybe that's what they did: sit around a fire, eating popcorn and talking about how much they hated the new rules.

..... Right. Yeah. Concentrate.

He blinked a couple of times and tuned into the lesson again just in time to hear something about..... injuries? Uh. Okay. See, Lucas wasn't the one in the family who played Quidditch, that was Emma. Wrong child in the Dakest clan. But maybe this would be good because if something happened to Emma, he could do something more than just cry and hold her hand.

As for his own home remedies, Lucas tried to think back to a time when he'd gotten hurt and what was done in that case. He might've fallen over a few times when he was very very very young and gotten a few cuts and bruises to prove it but who hadn't? A lot of people were already answering with their own remedies - what was moxibustion?! - but he was still thinking about bruises and crying to his mum and....

Oh! His hand shot up into the air. "Uh, well, whenever I used to get bruises, sometimes I'd just get a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel and I was told to press it to the area. The bruise. It always felt really cold but it helps to cool down the bruise, I guess." It sounded similar to what some other people had said about ice and something cold but he was sticking with this.

Frozen peas seemed to be a go-to for the kids at home, however, Lucas had mentioned something that no one else had. ”You just mentioned something all of your classmates missed, Lucas.” Haraldur waved a little finger here. The finger of importance, people. ”The peas- I mean, the ice shouldn’t be placed directly onto the skin. Wrapping the peas- I mean, wrapping the ice in a towel or a piece of cloth is very important. Thank you, Lucas.”

Text Cut: Abra
Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
Oh hi, it was a Bel. Hi Bel. Abra smiled back at her as she arrived, genuinely glad to see her. She was a good friend, Bel, and her reassuring grins tended to put Abra at ease. Sort of at ease, at least, which was, you know, always an improvement. Aaron appeared soon after, and Abra gave him a smile and a wave in greeting. Always encouraging to see the cousins in good spirits.

When Zoryn arrived and stood beside him, Abra turned to greet her, his eyes were immediately drawn to the sparkly boils, glittering in the sun. It was a moment before he registered that she'd just spoken to him and shook himself back to reality. "Wha-...? Oh, right. Yeah. It's got me curious too, actually."

Abra was glad when Derf appeared by him and Zoryn, because it really was tradition to fail together, and it always made him feel a bit better when they did. Because they were in it TOGETHER, you know? Before he could reply to him, about how he thought maybe the flames were just makeshift cauldron burners, Professor Noble was telling Derf to move aWAY. Abra looked positively stricken as he watched his Hufflepuff leave, and he had half a mind to follow him over there and sort of made to do so... until he realised that that would put him very close to Noble who would be able to see E V E R Y T H I N G he did - it didn't really occur to him that that might actually benefit him. In the end, he gave Derf a guilty, incredibly apologetic grimace, and stayed where he was, by Bel, Zoryn, Aaron, and now Stasya.


Slightly thrown off by how the lesson had already been going, Abra turned his attention to Baldvinsson as he spoke, anxiously shifting his weight from one foot to the other. He remembered vividly that first day of S.O.R.E., and that first year's nosebleed and how he hadn't been overly confident in his ability to help. Clearly, learning to deal with injuries really was important.

Anyway, that sort of gave him an idea, but Abra was a little reluctant to put his hand up and suggest it, in case it was amazingly and embarrassingly wrong. He dithered for a while as other answers were provided, working himself up unnecessarily, before acting on impulse and thrusting his own hand into the air.

"Does Episkey count?" he asked, rather than answered. "I know it's a spell, but it's a remedy you can do at home." If you were, you know, of age.

”It does count, for sure.” Haraldur nodded. ”Episkey is a handy spell to learn, especially for Quidditch players. But many sport injuries can’t be treated with Episkey which is why different methods and different rehabilitation exercises is important as well.”

Text Cut: Józef
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley View Post
Injury, schmingury! That was Józef's absolutely terrible attitude to people getting hurt.

Obviously, it was a COMPLETELY different story if he was ever injured - lots of shouting and demanding of pain medications, occasionally some choice language if his mother wasn't present. Not that he knew any of the remedies that had been used on him over the years, aside from ice and painkillers that other people had already mentioned. Knowing things required him to pay attention, and when he was in pain he was thinking of anything BUT.

He was paying attention now, though, and couldn't help but snicker at Anna's suggestion. Run it off. Jó completely, on the face of things, when it came to other people and DEFINITELY not him, agreed with her there. Found it amusing. He knew she was cool.

Haraldur moved from Abra’s side, passing Jozéf on his way to the Slytherin Captain. It was fine not to join the discussion. The young Lion seemed to be paying attention to what his classmates were saying, which was the most important part. Participating.

Text Cut: Patrick
Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson View Post
Patrick listened intently to the remedies that people were giving up. One that he had learned a time or two over the summer was vinegar. Raising his hand patrick waited until he was called in. “when we would get burns we would put vinegar on them to take the sting out... but st home remedies for other accidents were usually pretty simple with ice.”

He looked over at Anna and whispered, “hey hope this isn’t too bad now that we’re talking about injuries...” he turned his attention back to the front listening to all the remedies people came up with.

Haraldur nodded slowly. ”Yes well, burns are not typically sport or Quidditch injuries.” Same with catching a cold. It could happen during a Quidditch game or physical exercise but wasn’t really considered an injury associated with sports.

Text Cut: Zoryn
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
…….. Volunteer her lunch?

Last time Zoryn checked, she hadn’t volunteered ANYTHING. Not even a smile ‘cause she wasn’t about to give Noble one of those anytime soon. ”I’ll try my best to make it, Sir,” she said, forcing a smile before turning around and rolling her eyes SO HARD that they she could’ve sworn they almost fell out of her head.

Her mood changed instantly when her friends drew near though, so at least there was that. Zoryn smiled at Derf as he made his way over, ever-enthusiastic he was. “Hope it’s got something to do with flying,” because, like, no offense but she was definitely here for the flying parts and not-so-much the potion ones. Before she got a chance to say much else, Jessa had joined and WOW. They really had a WHOLE posse now. She greeted her accomplice with a grin. Another good thing about being near the Head Girl meant that Zoryn didn’t have to worry about blowing up another cauldron. ‘Cause hopefully Jessa would be willing to let her cheat off of her’s. Just sayin.

And when Stasya came to join them, Zoryn was pretty much set. Only person who was missing was Theo at this rate.

Only Derf was being moved and WHAT TO HECK? Did Professor Noble HATE ALL GOOD THINGS? Seriously????? She gave an annoyed look to Abra, as if to say 'this is so unfair'.

But when Coach B began the lesson, Zoryn really did try her best to settle down. Only for him, y’know? He was literally, like, the only good Professor left. And as per his explanation, everything finally made sense. Healing flying injuries. Cool. Ish.

Thinking along the same lines as that one kid (Ryder), Zoryn shot her hand up. ”Or you could just rub some dirt on it and quit complaining.” Some people were SO dramatic. Not Zoryn. She would never.

No, no, no, no, no. They were all doing so good and then Zoryn agreed with both Ryder and Anna. Haraldur sighed. ”I wouldn’t suggest you do that after a Quidditch injury, Zoryn.” No it didn’t matter how important the game was and no it didn’t matter if it was Gryffindor vs. Slytherin (or Zoryn vs. Skylar Diggory) and no it didn’t matter if it was the last game of the season. ”Not acknowledging the pain might lead to a worse injury than the original one. And we wouldn’t want that.” So, please pay attention to the rest of the class, young lady.

Text Cut: Madison
Originally Posted by WhittyBitty View Post
So it looked like they were going to be delving into healing remedies. Well, Madison couldn't say that she was surprised by this. And she was rather interested too, because really she knew basically NOTHING about this kind of thing. All of her knowledge was of the more basic type like using heat and/or ice and what not. And of course that had already been mentioned by others...

So instead of volunteering anything - because she didn't really HAVE anything to offer - Madison made note of what her classmates had said. Some things she had already been aware of, and others she had never heard of before. Those, she made note of for the future.

As Madison seemed to want to only observe this discussion and hopefully make note of what her classmates said, which was totally fine, Zoryn was the last person to offer her thoughts. Haraldur casually paced by Madison before stopping in front of the class again. No other suggestions? Then it was time to move on.

Text Cut: Bettie
Originally Posted by cindajean View Post
Bettie listened to the answers that was give think someone was sure to talk about aloe vera but not one did so she rose her hand and replied, “some good things to use for sport injuries and other injuries are aloe vera, st. john wort ointment, tea tree oil, and salt water to name a few. There a other essential oils that can be used. These are good for minor cuts and scraps, bruises, blisters, and sprains. As for exercise to speed up recovery maybe walking? I do know stretching and then ice packs are used for injuries."

Just as he was about to move on with the lesson, little Bettie raised her hand and she had a lot of suggestions. "Very good, Bettie. All of those are used to treat different type of injuries. And we will actually talk more about the proper use of ice right now."

”Perfect.” Haraldur clasped his hands together in front of him. ”I’ve heard a lot of useful methods to treat sports injuries. I hope you’ve all paid attention. Many of you seem to agree that ice helps reduce pain and swelling and I agree with that notion.” He didn’t agree with Ryder’s, Anna’s and Zoryn’s suggestion to ignore, run it off or ‘rub some dirt in it and quit complaining’ but he’d made that quite clear. ”As Bel mentioned, after any type of accident or injury, of course you should stop to assess the situation before deciding to treat your injury yourself.” However, perhaps most important if someone else is injured. ”There are countless ways to get hurt in a Quidditch game but I won’t go in to that as of right now.” If they wanted a story time about Quidditch injuries they could stop by his Hut preferably with some peanuts. ”We will cover a very common method to treat sport injuries yourself. One that Théo mentioned; RICE.” He looked over at Théo here but fought the urge to use finger guns this time. Don’t overdo it. ”The R stands for Rest. Something many of you mentioned. As… Boring as it might sound, this is a very crucial step in recovery. Skipping this step might make the damage worse and delay recovery.” The flying instructor paused here for emphasis. Teenagers seemed to be under the impression that they were invincible and then- BOOM; you’re suddenly seventy with a bad knee and only one good ear. ”Many Healers and Muggle doctors advice not to put weight on the injured area up to 2 days after the accident. It’s not all that simply though, it depends on how badly you’re injured, but rest is important.”

Again the old man started pacing. It felt a little weird not hovering back and forth on his broom like usual and his knee caused him to limp just slightly but he still liked moving around as he spoke. ”The I in RICE stands for… You guessed it; Ice. Whether you choose an ice pack, frozen peas or cooling creams, the cold helps to reduce swelling and dull the pain. There are some important factors to keep in mind though, the first is one that Lucas mentioned: not to apply the ice directly onto the damaged area. Wrapping the ice in a towel or a piece of clothing before applying it prevents light localized ischemia or frostbite, which I can tell you is really not something you want.” His right big toe would never be the same again after the winter of -48. Just FYI. ”For the ice to really make a difference, it should be applied as soon as possible after the injury. You should also alternate between ice and no-ice, a common recommendation is alternation for 15-20 minutes each for the first 24-48 hours depending on the injury you’re treating.”

”The third component of this method is C for Compression. This, simply put, is to wrap the injured area to prevent swelling resulting from the inflammatory response. You should use an elastic medical bandage for this, allowing you to wrap the area snug so as to not move freely but not too tight to interrupt proper blood flow. ”

The flying instructor stopped his pacing here to quickly glance over at the group of students. Still there? Still paying attention and not just watcing the bluebell flames? Good. ”And the last component E stands for Elevation. This means raising the sore body part above the level of your heart to reduce swelling. It’s usually enough to for example prop your leg up on some pillows if you sprained your ankle. However...” Haraldur stopped for a second, glancing up at his colleague. A smug grin suddenly spread as he waved Noble over. Come ‘ere, you. ”We’re lucky to have a willing volunteer here to demonstrate elevation. Your very own Potions professor. Why don’t you come here, professor?” And drop the glare, please. Haraldur brought out a medical sling as he waved the man over. ”If you hurt your arm or leg,” He continued, addressing the class again. ”They might be placed in a medical sling like this one to easier elevate the injury.” He cleared his throat looking back at Noble. ”Your left arm, please if you will, professor.” Haraldur gave the students a look here. ”You don’t choose which arm gets injured, sometimes it’s your dominant wand arm which would mean professor Noble’s left one.” Hint for Noble to hold out his left arm. Chop-chop. At this point, Haraldur ignored any protests Noble might have. He needed to demonstrate the sling, it was just perfect that Noble could step up and help out in the demonstration. He continued the demonstration by beginning to wrap his friend's arm to fit in the sling. ”You neatly place your arm in the sling and fasten it to the medical bandages used for compression.” Haraldur took a step back and couldn't fight the grin as he held his wand up. ”As for elevation… Wingardium Leviosa.” With his wand pointed directly at the sling now covering Noble’s left arm, it slowly and gently rose up in the air. This was a lot more enjoyable than he thought it would be. The flying instructor turned his back to the now tied up Noble and faced the students. ”And that’s a properly elevated injured arm.” Neat!

”Now that you’re all filled in on how RICE works, you’re going to practice it on each other. And no-” He quickly interrupted himself before anyone else did, ”You will not practice the rest-part.” Very funny. ”Unfortunately, I don’t have frozen peas to offer, instead I want you to use a spell; Glacius. It’s a fairly simple charm, older students: please assist first and second year students should they need it. You simply point your wand at the area…” The flying instructor reached inside his robe for his wand, pointed it down towards the ground and: ”Glacius.” A light blue light appeared from the tip of the wand as freezing cold air appeared. ”Remember not to cast this spell directly onto the skin.”

”I also want you to practice compression. There are ACE wraps here,” He poured out a number of rolled up medical bandages on the grass in front of the class. ”Which you will use to practice properly wrapping an injured area. We will leave the elevation simply as demonstration for now.”

Speaking of demonstrations, had he completely forgotten about Noble with his arm tied up? Yes, yes he definitely had.

”Alright everyone, you can either team up to practice on each other or practice on yourselves. Get to it!”

ooc: Well. This is a big chunk of text. This is also the start of a two-part activity. (yay)

This 1st part covers RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.
The students will practice icing and compression injured areas.
- Ice: Use the freezing spell Glacius. Pronunciation: ’GLAY-see-us’. Hand movement: Point wand.
- Compression: Fetch one of the medical bandages and practice wrapping up a knee, an ankle, wrist, whatever: snug as a pug in a rug but not too tight.

You have approx 1.5 days to finish this before we move on.

- Josefin


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