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Old 09-17-2018, 10:13 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Bramble "Bram" Wyatt Lennox
ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun

SPOILER!!: All Y'all
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
"Sup, Professor," she gave him her most MISCHIEVOUS grin. "Guess it's just me and you today."

What a dream. For HIM. Amirightladies.

Did he notice the TROLL on her forehead? Because the Gryffindor had spent EXTRA time doing the sparkle outline today.
And there she was...the bane of his existence, Zoryn Spinnet. Of course she had to be the first one to get there today. But at the moment, seeing her with the TROLL stamp of boils outlined in glitter made him grin. "Hello, Zoryn. I highly doubt that but we can wait and see." He paused, "Leading the rebellion, I see?" He said with a grin taking a sip of his Chai.

Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
One person who absolutely did not find the autumn weather in Scotland perfect was Abra, but it was okay (well, sort of okay) because by now he was proficient at warming charms, and he definitely knew how to dress warmly enough for his own comfort. All wrapped up nice and toasty, he made his way to the barns for Care of Magical Creatures.

"Good afternoon, Professor Wayland," he greeted the professor as he reached the hay bales, taking up a seat by Zoryn, who had got here before him. Yeah, sorry to break up the party, Zor. And... oh. Sparkly.

... Yeah, it was tempting, but he wouldn't comment.
"Good afternoon, Abra! Hope you're well today." Trsitan said with a nod and a smile, noting that the young man was very wrapped up. He was sure by the end of this lesson he will lose a few layers.

Originally Posted by Jessiqua View Post
Still feeling weird not wearing her full uniform to Care of Magical Creatures, owing to the rules, Hanna made her way down to the barn. It was also one of her favourite times of the year! Halloween was tomorrow, and autumn had taken hold of the grounds of Hogwarts. She had her supplies with her as she approached the set up with all the hay stacks. "Hello Professor Wayland," she greeted, finding herself a piece of hay and getting her supplies out and ready to use.

Since she'd stopped moving, all the way from the castle to the barn, she was feeling the cool breeze more. So out of her bag she pulled her Ravenclaw scarf, and wrapped it around herself.
"Hello, Hanna." He said with a small smile and watched as she pulled out her supplies. So very well prepared today. When he was going to school here, he almost always had to borrow parchment from Rose or Kalen. He couldn't help the fact that he doodled on almost all of it all the time with various creatures...

Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
She did give the professor a big smile, though. “Good afternoon, Professor Wayland. How has your day been?,” she said, honestly hoping he hadn’t had quite as much stress as they were all experiencing lately. It was getting harder and harder to keep up her act around the questionable staff members after all.
"Good afternoon, Stasya. My day has been...interesting." Tristan said with a small smile before asking, "How has yours been? Good, I hope?" He took a sip of his tea, glad to have so many wonderful students in his classes.

Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
It was CREAAAAAATURES! One of Lucas' FAVORITES because it was sooooooo chilllaxed and whatnot, a lot like Muggle Studies. He waved cheerfully at Professor Wayland before looking at who all was here.

There was Zoryn. She had the...boils...he made a :0 face and nodded at her head. "I had those...they only recently went away...but...yours look nice, Zoryn," he gave her a thumbs up. She was good at making a bad situation somewhat better for herself, at least. There was Abra, Stasya, and a girl he didn't know. They all got friendly waves from the red-haired boy as he took a sear NEAR Zoryn, but not next to her. Faith would probably wanna' sit next to her if she was attending this class. He didn't know his Gryffindor friend's schedule.
A wave? Well...that was better than nothing. Tristan casually waved back at Lucas with a small grin, noting how excited he was to be around his classmates. It was sort of adorable the way he was fawning over Zoryn. He wondered what her reaction would be.

Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
But first. "Hello, Professor." Nice and simple. And after all these lessons and all these greetings, it might be something he could very slowly get used to. You know, once he knew the Professors properly. But for now, he just went and sat down on the first empty hay he could find. It wasn't squishy but it wasn't uncomfortable either. Was this because of the magic? Were there spells on this hay that-



Did that girl have SPARKLES on her face? Around the word 'TROLL'?

Is this what you call a rebellion? Lucas wanted to know.
"Hello, Lucas." Tristan said with a smile and a nod. Two Lucusi in one class....heavens help us all! Hopefully he wouldn't get them confused for each other. He noticed quickly that everyone seemed to be enamored by Zoryn's sparkly boils. He sighed a little hoping this wasn't going to be a problem.

Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson View Post
With his bookbag over his shoulder and his uniforms firmly in place he began to walk toward the semi-circle of hay bales. Patrick was more shocked at the fact that Wayland didn't have his big ol hay bale throne. He still was up in the air about this whole school rules for the hardknocks but he supposed he'd just have to suck it up. He noticed he was early, which was a change now that everyone was up and running at SORE every day. "Morning Professor." he moved off to the side that he typically sat at and readied himself for the lesson.
"Morning, Patrick." Tristan said with a small smile and a nod before taking a sip of his Chai. He knew about the new school uniform only rule, but told them all to wear normal clothes because the school robes would be a hindrance. But it seemed as if some students wanted to follow the rules put down by the new headmaster completely. He couldn't say he blamed them.

Originally Posted by sarahlooo View Post
So, Natalie walked down to the barn in her nice, clean uniform. She did of course feel a little out of place, since most of the students had shown up in their normal attire. But she tried to ignore the social pressure. "Hello, Professor," she greeted warmly, hoping he understood the reasoning behind her choice.
"Hello, Natalie." Tristan said, noting that she too was wearing her uniform. He sighed, shaking his head. He was going to have to have a talk with the headmaster about this wasn't he? Up until this point he had been avoiding the man. Let's just say...angry badgers never lie down. But this was starting to affect his students and hew as going to have a word with the headmaster about it.

Originally Posted by GD2204 View Post
“Hello Professor, nice day isn’t it!”, Ewan muttered, greeting the Professor Wayland in a friendly manner. Joining his fellow students now, Ewan couldn’t help but feel slightly out of place. Despite only recognizing one or two of his fellow students, he smiled at them hesitantly. He wasn’t staring at the sparkly troll writing on another student's face. Honest.
"Hello, Ewan! Lovely day!" Tristan said with a grin. It was slightly chilly, but the sun was warm and shining bright right now with made for perfect weather conditions.

Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok View Post
You know what Théo really needed a pumpkin spice latte. Did he have one, yes and he brought it with him. It would have been inconvenient of him not to and plus while it was not as good as the one he had back home, it would do. Probably not the best class to bring a drink to but when was Théo ever one to use reason.

Is he right or what..

He raised his cup in greeting to Wayland.

Hey, Professor, Whats Up?"

Nice job with the troll boils, Zoryn. You are getting good at messing with them.
"Hello, Théo. Not much, you? Please, make sure you finish that before the lesson starts. Remember, no food or drinks around the creatures." Tristan said with a small smile. He couldn't tell him to completely get rid of it seeing as he had Tea himself, but he always made sure to finish it before the lesson started. Hopefully Théo would respect that rule.

Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Chloe was delighted for Care of Magical Creatures class again, and she skipped along the path toward the hay bale classroom. It had taken much internal debate to decide what to wear to class - they had to wear uniforms but the class rules for CoMC clearly stated they could dress down. She'd finally opted for warm clothing, sturdy boots, and her house scarf... not much of a compromise, but the best she could do.

"Good day, Professor. Where's your throne?" She sort of missed it in all its itchy glory.
"Good day, Chloe." He looked down at his seat when she asked, "Didn't have enough time today. Had to help some sick creatures." This wasn't entirely true, Tristan just hadn't felt like it today. Which wasn't like him at all. He was just so frustrated with the way things were at the school right now he hadn't felt like doing more than a single hay bale for himself. Maybe tomorrow he would bring it back.

Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
Ryder had bundled up slightly before making his way down to the grounds and eventually finding himself where their lesson would take place. If there was one thing he knew for certain it was that Fall and Winter seasons were for staying inside the castle, preferably in bed and unconscious to the world. Granted, he didn't mind creatures class too much, as long as whatever they were studying was cool.

Joining the growing crowd, he contemplated may siding on over to one of his fellow Slytherins when one of the Gryffindor girls (Zoryn) had caught SO MUCH ATTENTION. "Yooooo, you're face," he exclaimed, side-stepping towards her. "Did they upgrade the jinx?"

And could he get a closer look?
Being ignored by students was always fun...but today it particularly bothered Tristan. He hoped it wasn't because of the way things were changing and the students were being more wary towards the professors. If that was the case...he sighed shaking his head and taking a sip of his tea.

Originally Posted by awakemysoul View Post
"Hello, Professor," he said upon entering the hay bale semi-circle outside the Barn. "Nice afternoon, isn't it?" He looked around and quickly realized that he wasn't the only one who hadn't worn full robes to the lesson. Thank goodness.
Tristan noticed that Benji not only had regular clothes on, but had brought his robe with him. He sighed. He would definitely be having a word with the headmaster about this. He had always made sure the students wore clothes they could get dirty in and didn't hinder their work with the creatures. "Hello, Benji. It's a lovely afternoon, indeed." He said with a small smile, noting the young man's relief at seeing others in their full robes.

Originally Posted by 2111jen View Post
Skyler liked Professor Wayland the best. He was the professor who had changed the least and she liked that. She gsve him a warm smile.
"Hey Professor," she said. Sense everyone had commented on the troll on Zoryn's head, or at least looked, she didn't bother glancing too kuch, just gave her a small wave in return.
"Hello, Skyler." Tristan said with a small smile to the young Slytherin. She had been very defiant that first S.O.R.E. morning...but he was sure she had calmed down a bit now. At least he hoped she had.

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
But for now, Derf was all smiles as he approached Professor Wayland. Ever appreciative of all the individual lessons and hands on experience the man was offering him in the sixth year's pursuit of a career in magizoology healing. Not to mention the silent understanding that came to Picketta - WHO was where she should be at the moment. "Good day, Professor Wayland!" he greeted with a grin, enjoying the smell of the man's chai as it wafted his direction before he took a spot beside Chloe. "Hiya," he greeted her, glancing around the area and naturally spotting Natalie as well. Who he gave a wave to. Hopefully there would be pair work again so they could team up. He really...found it fascinating - and something else - watching her appreciation of creatures unfold.
"Good day, Derf." Tristan said with a large grin. He knew he could count on Derfael to follow his directions on dress code. He wanted to be a Magizoologist just as bad, if not more so, as Tristan had wanted to be at his age. So he knew his fellow Hufflepuff would follow his lead on this one.

He would still have to have a talk with the headmaster though.

Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
... Oh, the hay!throne was missing. It made Aaron laugh to see Professor Wayland sitting on a regular ol' stack of hay. It made him look smaller somehow. "Were you robbed?" It was asked with a smile as the Fourth Year settled his school bag down beside a wayward hay!seat. Actually, the professor looked a bit... anxious, maybe? Adults always had something going wrong in their lives. That's why growing up was so scary, to be quite honest. Aaron didn't want those types of problems. "I could help you stack some fresh hay for a new one." Maybe that would make the man happier.
Tristan was taking a sip of his Chai, when Aaron had asked if he was robbed. He grinned, swallowing the tea quickly. "No, just ran a little late this morning. Didn't have time to create a grand seat for you all to enjoy today." He said with a small chuckle. "No, that's quite alright. Thank you, Aaron." He said with a nod and a wink.

Originally Posted by Granger Danger View Post
Skipping down the sloping lawns she headed towards Care of Magical Creatures deciding nothing could bring her spirit down, she was going to see magical creatures! She wondered if she'll ever see a unicorn or a Hippogriff that would be cool to see! She had a feeling she was going to love this subject!

Walking towards where the class was going to be at, she seen there was quite a bit of people but she was still early. " Good Afternoon Professor Wayland hope you're well."
"Good afternoon, Stella. I am doing just fine, thank you. I hope you're doing well, as well." He said with a small grin. She seemed to be very excited for this lesson. Honestly, he was really excited about it himself.

Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
Yeah, Archer had absolutely ZERO qualms about not wearing her uniform. Partly because the professor had given them permission and partly because it was a bit of rebellion. So, she had donned a Halloween-themed sweater (orange with a large black cat emblazoned on the front), skinny jeans and a pair of black combat boots before making her way out to the barn for the lesson.

"Hello, professor," she greeted cheerfully, plopping down on a hay bale. Was it the fresh air that was making her feel not-so-oppressed or the freedom that came with being able to wear what she chose?
"Hello, Archer. Nice sweater." Tristan said with a wink and a grin. He was glad some of the students were rebellious enough to wear something Halloween themed. It made him all too happy to think they were fighting back. He shouldn't condone it, but he was wearing a Hufflepuff scarf to day for very obvious reasons.

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
By the time she finally got to the class, her hands were wringing away at the end of her shirt in agitated fashion. Every now and then she looked over her shoulder just to make sure neither man was coming to check on this lesson and see the big pile of defiance gathered.

How was she going to survive the walk back??

“Hey Professor...” She greeted, obviously distracted by her thoughts. Why did classes have to be so nerve wracking this year?? Didn’t even notice the man didn’t have his usual thrown this go around.
Tristan frowned, seeing the way the anxiety was just rolling off of Jessa. She was scared to break the rules of the new regime. It was absolutely clear on her face and the way she was twisting the hem of her shirt in her hands. "Hello, Jessa." He said with a small smile back. Maybe he should have told them to wear the uniforms sans robes. He sighed, hating to see any of his students so scared.

Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime View Post
Beth didn’t like this rule. Uniforms, they weren’t…y’know ALWAYS the best option especially in a barn…Her uniform shoes had been replaced with a pair of still clean converse trainers…and instead of that itchy uncomfortable skirt she had donned a pair of denim trousers – she had even tossed her uniform skirt OVER the trousers for effect. Really, the girl looked like she had walked out of the nineteen-nineties with everything…she’d even decidedly given herself one of those half-up-half down mini-bun looks. With flowers of course.

Grinning she gave Stella and Lucas a wave each before pausing to give Zoryn an appraising look. ”love what you’ve done with the Sparkle-Troll…you’re owning it” she nodded, meaning every word. Making her way over Beth decidedly sat next to Ewan for what might have been the first time that year.

”Hello Jones,” she smiled ”rebellion suits you,” she smirked giving him a little nod and glanced around at everyone still in their uniforms…really? They were here in uniform did that make sense? Turning around on her bale she smiled over to Stella and Lucas once more ”you two look marvelous in your non-uniforms…really, just brilliant.”
Another student completely ignoring him. But at least she looked like a perfect rebel in that very retro outfit. He grinned at the thought.

Originally Posted by Angel of Music View Post
Natasha made her way down to the lesson area. All she had was her uniforms, but instead of robes, she wore a sweater instead. "Hello Professor." she greeted, then took a seat on an empty bale of hay, setting her book bag right at her feet. She vaguely listened to the conversations of her fellow students to get to know them, still too shy to actually talk to them.
"Hello, Natasha." Tristan said with a small smile, noting that she wasn't completely in uniform. Way to toe the line, he thought with a grin.

Originally Posted by Erindipity View Post
As the Hufflepuff made her way down she couldn't keep the smile off of her face, or the feeling of expectation from her tummy. She knew that not only was she going to be able to see some cool creatures, but also... maybe... if she was lucky, a certain Ravenclaw boy that she had come to fancy. EEEEEEEE! And there he was! Penny waved excitedly as she approached, but made sure to stop by Professor Wayland and offer him a wide grin. "Good day, Professor! I am really lookin' forward to ya class today, sir!" she exclaimed before moving to sit beside BENJI. Her Benji. Yep. Tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear she nudged him with her shoulder. "Hey. Mind if I sit with ya?" Surely he wouldn't... especially since she was already perched on the bale right beside him and all. Heh.
"Good day, Penny! And thank you for the kind words. I hope you enjoy the lesson." Tristan said with a small grin watching as she asked to sit with Benji. He was so proud of his Puffs...

Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry View Post
She headed down to the barn for the lesson. ”Hello Professor Wayland.” She nodded and noticed the lack of the hay throne… Did that have something to do with the new headmaster? Moving to the bales of hay she went to find a hay bale. She waved to Zoryn who in the last year had actually become more of a friend than whatever they were before. Natalie also got a wave.
"Hello, Juniper." Tristan said with a nod and grin, noting she was also toeing the line of uniform/non-uniform. At least it had Ravenclaw all over it.

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
"Hello professor!" She greeted cheerfully. If there was any class she was excited for this was definitely the one. Hands on and always a good experience. She sat herself down next to Aaron, grinned cheerfully at him, and plopped her bag down at her feet. Right then.... any guesses what they were learning today? Bel wrapped her Hufflepuff scarf more comfortably around her neck and pulled on her dragon hide gloves, flexing her fingers eagerly.
"Hello, Bel!" Tristan called back with a wave and a nod. Another toeing the line of robes/non-uniform clothes. He grinned at how man were doing this. Of course, he hadn't heard about the headmaster dropping in on Muggle Studies. But if it did happen, well he would just take the blame.

Originally Posted by Harron Peasley View Post
These school rules were a complete BUMMER. Hogwarts was supposed to be cool, not all strict and BORING. With one day to go and a lesson dress code that stated comfort, Józef thought that it was risk-worthy.

And that was why a werewolf sat down on one of the hay bales, offering the Professor a happy, if slightly muffled "Morning!"

A very warm, comfortable werewolf mask-wearing Józef Kowalski.
"Uh....morning. Mask off please. Don't want you scaring today's creatures." Tristan said with a pointed look. Didn't want the young person to lose an eye because he was wearing a mask that scared the creature.

Originally Posted by Waterloo View Post
Max was here, and he was wearing his usual school robes because ughhhhh this whole rule malarkey was starting to get confusing. He wasn't entirely bothered by the rules per se, even the new ones, but the Professors needed to pick a set and just stick to them.

"Hey Professor," the Slytherin greeted before perching himself on one of the haybales and rummaging around in his rucksack.

Where was his textbook?? And his gloves????

Had he packed for the wrong class?????
"Hello, Max." Tristan said with a small smile and a nod. he didn't blame the student for coming in his uniform. He was sure it was because he didn't want to get into trouble with the headmaster. He noticed the young man searching his bag. "Don't worry I have extra of all supplied if you forgot something." He said with a wink before checking his watch.

Originally Posted by HOPEendures View Post
Kaitlynn rushed down to the Care of Magical Creatures lesson ready to actually enjoy this weather while learning something, not just running laps. She looked around and found a hay bale to plop on but before she did so she gave a great big smile, "Hello Professor!"

She dropped her bag and took her seat. Ready. Eager to learn.
"Hello, Kaitlynn. Just in time I see." Tristan said with a small grin and a wink as he looked up from his watch. It was just about time to start.

Originally Posted by WhittyBitty View Post
Halloween was tomorrow, and Madison was quite excited. It was her favourite holiday, and she was looking forward to it. Too bad that they probably wouldn't be able to have any real fun at all because of the stupid new rules. She REALLY disliked the new Headmaster...

Anyway, she wasn't going to let that get to her, and there was a smile on her face as she joined the rest of the class. "Hello, Professor." Madison smiled at Hanna and took a seat, waiting for the lesson to begin. They were sure to do something fun, and she liked learning about the different creatures - or, at least the INTERESTING ones.
"Hello, Madison!" Tristan said allowing the last few stragglers to get all their supplies they would need pulled out before he stood.

Tristan quickly drained the last of his tea, setting it down on his hay bale. This one he left there...never knew when he would need to sit for a it wasn't a throne that would be in the way. He quickly stood, clapping his hands for attention, and waiting until everyone was quiet before he got started. "Good afternoon everyone! I am so sorry about the confusion of the dress code, but appreciate you all for doing what you felt was best for yourself." His Hufflepuff scarf flapped in the breeze. He really hoped the headmaster wouldn't be popping in...but who knew these days.

"Well, lets get the ball rolling shall we?" He said with a small smile, and with a flick of his wand revealed in the field next to them a small patch of trees, seemingly empty at the moment. "What kind of creatures, Magical or non-magical, live in Trees?" He asked pacing around in front of the students waiting patiently for their hands to fly into the air. "Please, only one creature per person." There were so many that the students could have given him multiple, but he wanted everyone to get a chance.

OOC: Thank you all sooooo much for coming! We appreciate you! The procedure is clear on this one! You have 24 hours to post! Have fun!

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...let all the dark escape you.
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