With the picture of the broken wheel firmly in her mind, Rylee took a step back from the fire and turned around to walk back to seat to finish her assignment. That was at least until she heard her brother continue to mouth off to the professor. Sure she didn't agree with the rules that were currently in effect now or most of the new changes or how a lot of her fellow peers were being treated but sometimes you just needed to know when to zip your lip. Reese didn't know when to do that. Or well he did but he wouldn't.
Rylee sucked in a breath and shot her brother a look. Even more points lost for Hufflepuff. How much was that now? Points weren't a big deal but she was positive his house wasn't going to be happy with him. She was seriously tempted to walk over and put her hand over his mouth like a small child and tell him to shush up already. Knowing him though, Mister Stubborn, he would only end up snapping at her and end up getting them both into trouble.
Shaking her head she returned to her seat and pulled out textbook, parchment and quill.
Name: Rylee Prichard
Year: 3rd
House: Gryffindor
Symbol: Broken Wheel (drew a rather decent broken wheel a the top of the parchment)
Meaning: Disappointment
From the question I had asked it seems like a decent answer as the outcome hasn't been what I was hoping for anyhow. While the outcome could have been much better it could have also been much more worse as well.
Returning her textbook and quill to her bag, Rylee got up and handed completed assignment to professor Fletcher without a word before returning to her seat once again and waiting until the lesson was over.