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Because next thing she knew, Faith was being punished for doing absolutely nothing?!?!
Okay listen, Zoryn was planning to stay complicit for the rest of the lesson seeing as their Professor was one giant joke and she didn't want her friends to give her their worried eyes anymore. Plus none of this was really worth it and she'd probably get another detention for some other reason sometime soon. BUT making Faith do pushups?!! For ONE SYLLABLE?!
The only thing more ridiculous than Fletcher's blading head was his obtuse personality.
"What?!" She had really tried to bite her tongue sort of. "But she hardly even said anything?!" And Faith was already having the worst time as it already was. Did he SEE how much her hand was quivering before? It wasn't fair that he was picking on someone like Faith. She never did anything wrong. Not unless it was because Zoryn dragged her into it and honestly, Zor was pretty sure Faith only showed up to her detentions out of sheer curtesy and not because she actually had to.
"Sir," she added as an after thought.
Honestly she wasn't trying to be defiant. He just made it hard to actually want to stay silent.
”Join her.” He replied, his voice level, cool even. By this point in the lesson, with only about 10 minutes left, the man was over their outbursts and their inability to just remain quiet. It wasn’t a difficult ask and yet......yet.....
“That will also be 5 points, but I’d like you to do 30 for the repeat offence.” This would be the second time in one lesson he had to address Ms. Spinnet. Not off to a good start at all. He wouldn’t argue with her. Ms. Chosen had heard the rules. All she had to do was remain silent as well. If they wanted to break such a simple rule, they could very bloody well handle the consequences. That happened, in life, consequences. It didn’t seem these children were accustomed to such a thing but that would be changing.
Originally Posted by
Devina Wellheart " Take all the points ya like.. I don't see a bloomin' thing in the fire.. I'll stay, but I'm not participating in anything.., Cal said as he crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at Professor Fletcher.
this man would soon learn the stubbornness that this young badger held. He was not at all the type to change course once he'd made a choice and he wasn't going to be made to do anything he didn't want to.
This time, the man rubbed his hand against his face, taking in a much needed breath in order to remain calm. This level of outright defiance. Did his parents know this was how he disgraced them when he came to school? By acting as if he had no home training? Had he indeed been raised in a barn, even then the Professor supposed he would have turned out better than he currently was.
All the points he liked? As many as he wanted?
“Don’t mind if I do.” The Professor replied. Whether the boy had been bluffing or not, such an offer demanded retribution.
“That will be 150 points from Hufflepuff—or would you rather I take more still? As many as I’d like, correct? That was the offer? Kind of you, but foolish and insubordinate. Distasteful. That is how you are behaving Mr. Prichard. You will complete the activity before leaving here tonight and I will be seeing you in detention. Not another word.” He warned. At this point, the boy would shut up and do as he was told if he knew what was good for him.
Originally Posted by
lazykitty "Um...what? Just for pointing out something that everyone else was missing?" she replied, still amused-toned. The professor could call it an outburst if he wanted, but hadn't been what it was at all. Needless to say, Archer made no move to get up and run, not seeing what she had done wrong, not being able to complete the class assignment if she did and not to mention not wearing the appropriate footwear for said exercise. Though she did wonder how much longer it would be until her younger housemate (Reese/Calum) made like Cardi B and threw his shoe at the professor.
Removing a pinch of salt and tossing it over her shoulder for good luck, Archer opened her salt packet and dumped it into her hand before tossing it into the fire. A few moments later, and she could see nothing in the flames. Because of course, she didn't. This professor didn't seem to be the type to appreciate some made up junk, either. Which is why she wrote what she did.
Okay, maybe she also wanted to tweak his nerves a little too.
It didn’t escape his attention that this one hadn’t done as instructed. He waited for her to be done and hand up her parchment, his expression solemn as his patience ticked away.
“I do believe I gave specific instructions for you to run. You will run now or during detention, the choice is yours but you will run.” He glanced down at the parchment she handed in, scowling deeply.
“I will also see you tomorrow evening for a re-attempt at the reading.” Not a smart one. He’d already told Ms. Macindoe that no symbol meant having to do another reading in 24 hours.
Perhaps it would have been better to fake it.
For the others, he accepted their parchments as they handed them in, looking them each over for anyone else who may not have seen a symbol in the fire. They would also have to do another reading tomorrow. So far, he was pleased. They got the work done and returned to their spot quietly. These were model students.
He ignored the angry glare of the girl, neither fazed at the swift nature of her pushups nor the anger she harboured. His gaze did linger on Mr. Choi. It was smart of him not to accept the glass and to remain silence even in doing so. See, it wasn’t a hard ask at all.
The packet of sugar Ms. Livingston offered was vanished.
Just a few minutes left.