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Old 09-14-2018, 08:45 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander River Hirsch
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:

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urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse

Originally Posted by Granger Danger View Post
With all the craziness that was happening lately, it was nice to get away from it and take a little break. Walking around the castle wondering didn't seem interesting to her, plus it was such a beautiful day! Why waste it inside when it was such a nice day? As though she wondered where to go, the lake was always too busy for her taste.

Her mind wondering she kept on walking until she seen herself on the wooden bridge, seeing that their weren't that many people there she looked at the view in front of her and sighed to herself. The view was quite nice, she could easily see herself slowly but surely starting to relax from everything lately. She felt as of lately everything was crazy and chaotic, but there was still some streak of hope in it, most of the Professor were nice she just hope they didn't go and leave. Although she pushed all that from her mind, taking a chocolate frog she had in the pocket of her robe eating it.
............ Uh...........

A rickety old bridge that looked like it could BREAK?! No thank you.

See, Lucas wanted to go wandering around the castle and the grounds. He'd gotten lost a few times and found rooms that he was sure he wasn't going to be able to find again but he was sure this would help him find out where things are. He just wanted to enjoy Hogwarts. This was his DREAM. And now there was a rickety old bridge standing between him and the grounds that he wanted to explore.

Needless to say, Lucas was scared. Very scared.

Biting his lip, the first year clutched onto the side of the bridge and..... carefully..... placed on foot onto the bridge. And then there was a pause...... and he did the same with the other foot. His eyes were wide and his heart felt like it was going to burst out of his body but hey, his feet were still on the bridge and the bridge was still there. He took a few more tentative steps forward, only really holding onto the rail just in-

Oh. Hey. HEY! He recognised that face. Or side of the face.

Exploring the grounds were completely gone from his mind and, instead, Lucas started to walk towards the girl. He wasn't walking as slowly as he was before but he was still holding onto the railing as he walked. There was a small smile on his face when he realised that he knew EXACTLY who this person was and, instead of being worried, he knew he could easily talk to her.

"Enjoying the view?" Which was the world's worst greeting.
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