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Old 09-14-2018, 05:05 AM   #78 (permalink)

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Join Date: Aug 2011
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Posts: 367

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Benjamin "Benji" Park
Fifth Year
(づ。◕ヮ◕。)づ ❤ cuddles please ❤

Benji dutifully took notes on all the cool computer stuff! Yes, he had used that old typing program before BUT his Muggle teachers had never allowed him to actually click on any of these -- icons? Check the notes he'd just taken... yep, icons -- by himself. He swirled the mouse around the screen, watching it make cool patterns as he moved his hand. (Seriously, that was really cool. Are you seeing this?!)

And then... IT WAS TIME. Clicking! The Internet! Google? He didn't know what a search engine was, but he could make a good educated guess, he thought. Either way, he swirled the mouse in big loop-de-loops some more until it reached the circle with the House colors on it. (Had Google done that on purpose? Was it made by witches and wizards and just used by Muggles? He was too scared to ask the question out loud because it seemed like a stupid one, but he still wondered.) He double clicked the icon and waited a moment until a big white box appeared with colorful letters spelling out "Google" in the middle. Was this... THE WORLD WIDE WEB?
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