SPOILER!!: Anna!
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Hey Ju Anna had found during the previous term that some time alone could be useful. It was definitely NOT her go-to activity most of the time nor was it the first thing she thought about doing, even when she 'really needed it'. Still, it had led her to find some interesting places around the Castle and just admire the landscape, which she could argue was a very nice thing to do.
That was probably the main reason why Anna decided to do it again. Okay, the ONLY reason, really. The autumn breeze beckoned her towards the balcony as soon as she stepped onto the fourth floor. Moving that way, the Gryffindor Captain noticed that someone had apparently had the same idea as her, and he seemed to be deeeeeeep in thought.
Like, proper lost inside of his own mind. So much that it made Anna stifle a chuckle.
That was a good thing since he wasn't about to nearly knock her over like a certain someone did the last time she was out and about trying to find a quiet place to admire the landscape. Not that she had minded it that much, but still.
The girl leaned on the balcony next to the unknown boy and looked at the grounds for a second or two before turning to him. "Alright?" She greeted him with a friendly smile.
Benji nearly jumped out of his skin at the sudden sound of a voice interrupting his miles-long train of thought. In fact, it was a bit surprising that he hadn't accidentally jumped straight off the railing and fallen to his death. Yikes. That was... embarrassing.
But WAIT. A VOICE. That meant he was -- GASP -- not alone anymore! Noooooooooooo!! Just when he thought he'd figured it all out and found a spot! There were no safe places in Hogwarts, let that be known to all introverted witches and wizards across Britain! Better just go to Ilvermorny or something, bet they let people be alone sometimes there!!!
He regained his composure pretty quickly -- for all his flaws, he was a pretty good actor -- and looked over at this unfamiliar thinking-time-interrupter.
"Um. Hello?" he said, the greeting sounding like a question without him meaning for it to. Geez, how stupid did that sound? Like he was answering a Muggle telephone or something, he'd heard them do it just like that. Oh, well. He may have sounded like an idiot, but it wasn't his fault. He wasn't at his best when his SOLITARY THINKING TIME got interrupted by random girls! (Not that he was interrupted often by random girls. Or, well, any girls, really.)
...Aaaaand she was still standing there, very much too close to him, he might add. Was he... supposed to keep talking? After all,
she had started this interaction, so it must be her turn to say something... Right? He didn't even realize he was staring at her (or kind of glaring, to be honest), but he definitely was.