♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# For a second Madison wondered if she had bothered the other girl... In case Rylee had wanted a bit of alone time, but nope. She seemed to be cheerful enough, and the feeling was probably a bit of paranoia. Really she wondered if she would be able to make as many friends as she had back at Invermorny. It would be easier next term when her sister would be old enough to join her. For now, she was really happy just getting to know more people because so many were really friendly. Like Rylee. "Oh, yes! I am. It's not too similar to Invermorny, though of course there ARE similarities. There are also a lot of differences. But it IS fun here and I am meeting more people. I just get really confused with your staircases." Madison smiled. She would get used to it in time, but it really could be a bit frustrating when she was on her way to one place, and ended up going somewhere else because the stairs had decided to move on her. Was there a system with them that she just hadn't managed to pick up on yet? |