Originally Posted by
kayquilz Those leaves crunching? Probably from Lucas not paying attention where he was going. He had a loose hoodie on, loose pants, and he was DONE with homework for right now. And he was dancing. HE COULD NOT AND WOULD NOT DISAPPOINT BAYLEN. He had to be the BEST dance crew leader EVER. He wished he could listen to some MUSIC right now, but nah. He would just hum along to the song he was choreographing currently. Counting the numbers aloud. All that stuff.
He didn't even notice the professor with his tea. And the Arithmancy one, too, a subject Lucas enjoyed (somewhat lol).
His forehead was starting to moisten up a little bit from his rigorous cardio work at the moment.
Lifting his eyes from the paper, he gave a slight smile to the young man dancing.
"Mr. Choi, good day to you." He folded the paper and placed it on his lap.
"I see you are out of uniform, but it appears you are exercising." While the casualness of the attire was frowned upon, it appeared it was necessary for the physical activity, so he was going to let it slide.
"Are you practicing for anything special?" He took a sip of his tea and shifted on the bench to find a more comfortable position.
One of the few positive byproducts of the early morning runs was the students were getting in better shape and their other athletic endeavors were benefiting.