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Samia Zachary had no questions about quidditch or how what worked, he was however very curious about this tension between Patrick and Nate.
"Is yours?" Zachary casually retorted when Nate spoke. "Because I think it clearly needs a polish" he added, as he mounted his own broom. Whatever this tension was, it thoroughly amused him, and he just hoped that Nate would somehow made a fool of himself. It would be great entertainment, after all.
However, not really waiting for a reply from Nate or anyone else for that matter, the fifteen year old pushed off the ground.
Nathan Hale's broomstick was one of the finest in his array of collection! Top-notch and quite expensive, he daresay.
"Clearly need a polish...he says. Perhaps the one that needed polishing is his attitude. What does he know about the finest quality of brooms?" He mocked back inside his head.
Then again, Lowe reminded so much of himself back in the day. He /almost/ shed a tear how proud he was to have a mini-me. No doubt this kid could be an asset to the house's name.
Let's see if he still find everything amusing once he got his tush thrown off his broom. He too...sincerely hoped Lowe would be great entertainment to him as well. Perhaps he'll learn to spell 'r.e.s.p.e.c.t' and meaning along the way?
Nathan kept his broom steady as he fly around the pitch once more.