A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Dorian was pumped up as he made his way to muggle studies. The SORE trainings each early morning were starting to pay off and if he had to be honest, he had began to like them. Of course he wouldn't admit this out loud because it seemed that most of Hogwarts still hated it.
It wasn't every day that the entertainment room was used as a classroom and the moment that Dorian had found this out he was excited for the lesson. Because what if they were going to be gaming all lesson?! That be awesome.
The fourteen year old straightened his tie and he tucked on the bottom of his uniform shirt to look more presentable and entered the room. And seeing the setup of the room nearly made him squeak. "Hello Professor Stewart" he greeted the woman with a small smile. "Please tell me we're going to play some zombie video games?"
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