Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite It was one thing to have a class you knew was scheduled for the evenings (Astronomy) and another to suddenly have one you knew belonged during the day time now in the evening. It became a mild inconvenience then. Jessa liked her evenings. Before patrols, she could spend some quality time alone in her lab with her babies or find something else to do with her friends. An uncertain art that, for all intents and purposes, couldn’t be proven now encroaching on her night had her just a about the whole thing.
The Head Girl followed the path the flames made, curious in spite of her own misgivings. For all she knew, this would be another glance into the ball to see your own doom lesson. While those were infinitely entertaining with one Jahan King, he was now graduated and there was no one to senselessly predict her doom with.
It was actually a little depressing to think about. Huh. Maybe attending was a bad idea after all but by the time she got to that conclusion, she could already see the flames of the fire and a certain professor standing there.
What were the odds he’d just let her leave without feeling offended and lashing out? Consider this one experiment she was disinterested in so the young girl simply kept walking until she was by the log seats. “Good evening, Professor Fletcher.” She kept her tone EVEN, not wanting him to read some perceived “disrespect” before waving to Abra. She’d been about to say hello but then remembered that talking thing and was sure greeting friends fell under that. As was.....standing....? Even out here? Well if Abra was gonna keep standing, she wasn’t gonna take the chance of sitting. When in Rome, yeah?
Jessa walked the circle until she found a log with her name on it and just.....stood there...
__________________ Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said. |