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Old 09-07-2018, 10:20 PM   #11 (permalink)
Hey Ju

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Join Date: Dec 2011
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Freja Hapgood-Messer
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Brenna Kavanaugh
Seventh Year

x8 x4
Default Hiiii and sorry, she's excited and likes ALL CAPS very much, apparently

As she saw the first few people to turn up from afar she felt RELIEVED because people had decided to join Quidditch even though they had all already been made to exercise daily.

GOOD, that meant those people were READY to work even HARDER and get FITTER. YES. Anna wanted THOSE PEOPLE on her team. Yes. YEEEES. What a brilliant start already! ASFGHJKL!

Anyway, ahem. "Hello!!" The girl exclaimed enthusiastically as Rylee greeted her. And whoa, she had ALL the questions! "Tryouts!" She gave the younger girl a cheeky grin along her answer to the first question of 'what they'd be doing today'. "And your job is to show off." Pretty much. Ha! And if she could try out for two spots? Anna considered it for a second before shrugging. "Sure, I don't see why not! What position would you like to try out for?" She asked before she could stop herself because she'd be asking that to everrrrrrryone later on anyway. Woops. SORRY, TOO EXCITED over here.

And all that bouncing Rylee started doing rubbed off on Anna and she was now bouncing on the balls of her feet too. ASJKLKJHDF.

"Hey there!" The fourth year greeted Theo and Abra with a grin and a wave as the boys arrived. THE PRESSURE WAS ON. THE FORMER CAPTAIN WAS HER-

ZORYN AKLDFSDN-- Chill, Anna, it was all good. There were just students too. "Hiya!" She also smiled at the former-former Captain. Huh. That was weird. Was she supposed to be feeling awkward? Because she wasn't exactly. Totally SLIGHTLY intimidated, yes, but not awkward.

Aaalllll of the above feelings were momentarily forgotten when BEAU showed up. BEAU! Part of Anna was honestly not expecting him to turn up, but she couldn't say she was exactly surprised. "Good!" Was all she said, giving him a smile TOO because she HAPPY, alright, Beau. HAPPY!

She even snorted at the fact he was still carrying on his weird superstition of wearing his underwear outside his trousers for try outs. Weirdo.

Chase made her laugh once again with his seemingly short-term memory, but it was all good. She was laughing WITH him, not AT him, y'know. "Heya!" She greeted both him and Tessa as they joined the ever growing group.


OH. OH, MERLIN, IT WAS THE KID FROM THE PREFECTS' COMPARTMENT!! YEEEEEEES!!! Anna gave him probably the BIGGEST GRIN so far and a DOUBLE THUMBS UP because she had decided long ago that that kid was awesome.

Was anyone else going to show up? Yes? No? Well, she might as well start. "Okay, let's get started!" She finally said after waiting for a minute or two after the last person turned up. "WELCOME!" She exclaimed, throwing her right hand UP in the air and spreading her feet apart for ADDED EMPHASIS. "To the Gryffindor Team Tryouts!" She finished her little dramatic opening scene before standing up normally and giving them all a warm smile. "I'm Anna, I'm a Chaser and I'll be your Captain this year!" She beamed and pretended she hadn't been wondering whether the position was cursed and Gryffindor was deemed to have a new Captain every year. That would be too long a topic for conversation now. ANYWAY. "Thanks so much for coming and I hope you'll all have fun! To start off, could you tell me your name and the position you want to try out for, please?" She said, looking around at all of them as she now held her broom closer to her body as if to comfort her and give her the confidence she needed. Did they know there were not one, but TWO former Captains there? Exactly. MERLIN HELP HER. Also, she wasn't sure if she actually knew everyone's names and didn't know who knew who there, so names would be very helpful all around, mhm. "It's okay if you want to try out for more than one position, just let me know!" Anna sent a specific look at Rylee since she had asked that question earlier that day, and then turned to smile at everybody else too. Had she mentioned she wanted everyone to HAVE FUN!? Because she did. So if that meant people wanted to have a go at different things, they COULD. "Just remember to show off your best abilities to make my job easier." She gave them all her signature Meriwether cheeky grin. HEEHEE.

She was now ready to start FILTERING some out. Ha. Nah, not really but maybe, who knew. Anna hugged her broom to free up her left hand as well and started gesturing with both hands. "Now, I know we've been running and exercising early every morning, including today." She even left a second or two of silence in case anyone wanted to grunt and groan or make any protesting noises or whatnot. "But we do need to warm up some other muscles and... the like that aren't used while running but totally used in Quidditch. We don't want anyone injured before even starting the season, now, do we!?" It was a rhetorical question, but she DID give them a second or two of silence once again so that info would sink in. SINK IN! "So let's do it! Feel free to stretch and warm up as you wish before hopping on your broom - or a school broom if you haven't got one - and doing..." SHOULD she risk saying the same as the Headmaster? Yes? No? Would that be too soon? OH, WHO CARED. "5 laps around the Quidditch pitch." oOOOp, yep, she went there. LOL. And she also laughed at her own joke(?). Ha. She was serious, though. Five laps. "But we'll be flying, so it shouldn't take us as long." She added with a wink. Amused, she was. "Go at your own pace, I was just joking about filtering some of you out already." WAIT, she hadn't said that out loud before, had she? Woops. Too late now.

The brunette started stretching and warming up, pulling her arm one way and the other, sprinting on spot and even doing some star jumps because why not. GET THAT BLOOD GOING and all that. Merlin, she could feel the NERVES, but she was hoping to be able to keep them at bay until it was all done. And maybe hopefully also stop saying things before thinking.


OOC: Hellooo, everybodehh! First, don't be intimidated by my ridiculously long post, yours don't need to be this long. I think Anna's just nervous, haha!

Anyway, I'mma echo her and thank you all for coming! If you haven't posted already and want to jump in, feel free to do so at any time throughout the whole tryout! All Gryffindors of any year can tryout and you can post as much or as little as you'd like, just please don't forget to fill out the survey!

We're starting off with stating what position your charrie would like to try out for, some warm ups/stretches and 5 laps flying around the pitch! I'll hopefully be moving on with the tryouts in about 20-22 hours.
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