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Old 09-07-2018, 05:51 PM   #97 (permalink)
Nordic Witch

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rose Snakebark
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
JT Forsfelle
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ariadne Rose
Third Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

"Very interesting, many of you have suggested way’s to extract juice that I hadn’t even considered like boiling the leaves or crushing them to name two. However Abra and Bettie has offered up the way that is what we will be trying our hands at a little later on in the lesson. We are going to squeeze the tentacula tight enough over a container so that it spits out it’s juice." Yes, they were, whether they liked it or not going to get very close to their tentaculas. "But that will come after they’ve been fed of course."

As the words appeard on the blackboard Joshua spoke to the students "What you all need to keep in mind when dealing with this very poisonous plant is to wear your protective dragonhide gloves during and handling/care of posonous plant and to always wear work robes. When you arr done you should always clean you hands very throughly and change into new robes in case they’ve been splashed with venom. Do not eat or drink any of the seeds, leaves, juice or spores or berries for that matter that you’ll encounter in the greenhouses or outside Hogwars unless you really know that it’s safe to do that.. If you get bitten by your tentacula today it’s not deadly since these plants are still very young and have been devenomed."

With the use of his wand prof wishart accioed forth a large lidded barrel from the storage rom that he sat down next to his desk. Raising his head to smile broadly and excitedly at the students he said "Now it’s time to get practical! I bet you all are just waiting to get closer and more personal with the tentaculas on your work stations isn’t that so?" Here he paused shortly. "Every good plant carer needs to be able to ssess the needs of its like if it needs a good trim, is short on water or needs some fertilizer etc and that is part of what you are going to do now. The other part is that I highly suggest you do first is to feed your tentaculas with with chizpurfles since on a ful stomach they become drowsy and less willing to move their vines. The dead chizpurfles can be found in the barrel so get to work everyone you have an hour to finish your activity and to write down your plants assessing observations on parchments!"

OOC: Mini activity is up! In one or more posts your students needs to feed their tentaculas with dead chizpurfles and also assess if their tentaculas lack water, needs a trim, some fretilizer to promote growth and also write down their observations on parchment listing what they see.

Originally Posted by Parchment Naotes

Plant observation notes:
You have 4 days until Monday night @ roughly 7pm GMT+2 to finish the activity. Be creative and most of all have fun! Any questions don't hesitate to vm/pm or label the title of your post with professor and i'll answer as soon as i can.

Individ replies for Question 2 will come during the weekend.

Last edited by Nordic Witch; 09-09-2018 at 05:47 AM.
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