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Old 09-05-2018, 09:21 PM   #86 (permalink)

DoM & AC
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Join Date: Sep 2011
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Addison Ayers
First Year
Default We were here!

Jackson was into sports and all, but he definitely wasn't expecting to hear that they would be running five laps every morning... and BEFORE breakfast which would probably pain him a little. He had not expected to be adding PE to his school schedule this year, so for today, he would be running in the clothes that he had worn on the train. His sneakers were definitely not meant for running around Quidditch Pitches, but at least he wasn't running in his uniform shoes! Or flip flops or something. He arrived with a hoard of other students to the Pitch, the echoes of yawning everywhere. "Good morning, Sir," he greeted the Headmaster. "Good morning, professors," he continued with as much of a smile as he could muster to the teachers that had shown up already. He had decided that until he got a better feel for the situation, he would be playing nice with as many people as possible. That included these guys. Doing some (hopefully) subtle stretches as he listened, Jackson found himself nodding slightly. This man sounded like his primary school teachers back at home. They had definitely had to do PE every day then, but at least it was a bit later and he had had a chance to put something in his stomach.

He made a mental note to himself to send a letter home asking for some proper running clothes, and maybe some protein bars or something. The running wasn't going to be his favorite part of the day, but he really didn't have an argument against the Headmaster's logic. Exercise was definitely good for them... Especially with how they ate at feasts... Maybe he wouldn't be as terrible as Jackson had first thought? Maybe he didn't have a say in the matter of delivering that letter to Headmaster Hawthorne that way? Jackson wasn't going to let himself make too many hypotheses, for fear of overwhelming his brain a little too early into his Fifth Year. Perhaps he would have sung a different tune had he actually heard the Headmaster's reply to Jessa. Or that his House was already in the hole on points...

With that, they were instructed to begin their new daily activity. Jackson tried to get some last minute leg stretches in, and began with a jog. No way was he going to run this whole thing full out. He wouldn't even run half of it probably. He wouldn't be walking either. It was true, the faster you were done here, the earlier you could eat. Jackson had half a mind to run as much as he could just so that he could finish early and while everyone else was showering, he could grab food from the hall and take it upstairs. GENIUS, right? Maybe. He'd have to see if he could actually do the five laps without dying first. Reminding himself to breathe, Jackson continued at his pace for the first half a lap and then did the second half full out. The sweat was already starting to form, he could feel it. The chill breeze was getting colder on his skin now. Ack, he got the chills.

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