Text Cut: Erindipity
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Ummm what? Excuse me?
Penny turned her head as she heard the PSSST beside her. Glancing up and then back down to her housemate's hand she grimaced a little. A note? For her? What was this?
Hesitating for a moment she started to just shake her head and speed up a bit, but that would be considered the HEIGHT of rudeness. Penny was not rude, you see. So after some deliberation, she took the note and unfolded it. Her eyes scanned the message and she began to shake her head. Nope. This was a big chunk of NOPE. She wanted no part of this. Shoving the note back toward the girl all she said was, "No thank you," before speeding up just a hair and moving on along.
Not today Circe. Not today.
Maddie's gaze traveled back and forth between her housemate and the field before her. No way was she tripping and falling over her own two feet. The two seemed to fall into step with one another as Penny read over the note. Maddie didn't really notice the hesitation the girl was showing. She was trying to pass the note discretely, after all. At the girl's response, Maddie nodded and continued on her run.
She would not allow Hogwarts to defeat an army of Inferi, some with lifelong injuries and some with temporary injuries, just to come back the next school and be ruled by a sergeant. As she ran forward, she accidentally dropped the note, and she winced to herself as she realized it'd be too revealing to go back for it now.
Dang it. She could only hope it fell into the right hands now.
Lap one down...four to go.