It was still weird coming to these classes that had new teachers, but the shock upon arrival had ebbed. At least the weather was good. Upon entering the greenhouse, Jackson immediately felt his nose take in that earthy smell. For reasons unbeknownst to him, Jackson kind of liked it. He had been an outdoorsy kid, playing outside sports was one of his favorite things to do when he wasn’t at Hogwarts. Oh? The tables were a little different today. Jackson heard and saw the professor at the same time. They… wait. They like to grab onto flesh? Normally, he didn’t care for feeling threatened in classrooms, but here he was. Should they be wearing hazmat suits or something maybe?? “Good morning, Sir,” Jackson offered, not expecting a reply since the professor was a little busy giving them permission to swear (that’s what he had heard anyway).
Jackson got his gloves out and put them on before grabbing his seat, as instructed. After what the professor just said about the plant, he wasn’t about to risk mixing the instructions around. He heard Jessa and a few others asking if they could stun the plant, and Jackson could immediately imagine the plants going crazy on them and attacking the students… After the last few years’ worth of events, he wouldn’t really be surprised. Would this new Headmaster really fix those kinds of events from happening? Usually it took a bit of time between events at the school, so Jackson couldn’t imagine the plants being their downfall, but it would probably help the younger kids if they didn’t feel in danger, right?
He greeted the other students that had also arrived with a smile and his best, "Gooood morning!" although some seemed preoccupied with staring at the tentacula. Not that he blamed them.
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