SPOILER!!: Patrick
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Patrick was not thrilled to be up this early. He was a growing boy and needed food. He seriously hated getting up this early. He typically only got up this early for baseball tournaments on the weekend. His eyes felt tired, which was why he had kept his head low and hoped he wouldn’t have to be too interactive. He had tried to be a good house leader and get the first years up and at em. He really was not looking forward to this.
What wizard in their right mind needed to be able to run? Didn’t they just aparate where they needed to. Although Patrick supposed it wouldn’t be that bad since he had run a few miles a few times each week during the summer. But a headmaster imposing such a thing. He nodded at the professors who were already at the field. And he gave a very quiet “good morning headmaster.”. He had stood next to a couple of his friends nodding at Penny, Abra, Nathan, and his house mate Skyler.
He was trying to see if any Maxton was anywhere to be found so he could ask about stragglers. He hopped they’d wait until the headmaster had told them the punishment before deciding to stay in bed. He was anxious because this did not bode well for a new year. He was concerned that this would be a very different year, although maybe it would be safer.
Finally, a familliar face. Skyler smiled at Patrick and ran over to him.
She was too scared to say much before the headmaster had a word in but she did smile at Patrick at least.
"Morning' Patrick," she managed to mutter, her fear mixing with annoyance. She was annoyed because this is what Hogwarts had come to. A dismill place. She was scared too. Shd had read all about the second wizard war and about how Diloris Umbridge had managed to take over the school and eventually the ministry of magic. Is this what it's going to be like?