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Old 09-03-2018, 04:14 PM
Nordic Witch Nordic Witch is offline
Default Herbology Lesson One: Watch out for the vines they like flesh!

IC DATE, Time, Location: Monday morning September 10th, 2096. Greenhouse Three @ 08.30 AM.

It was such a nice early fall morning outside, the weather was mild on what was promising to be a nice 10th September day, not very warm yet, but not very cold either. Holding a morning class was just how Joshua liked it. It was then that minds of the students were most alert and ready to learn. Hopefully the smell of damp soil and cool air in Greenhouse three where this morning’s lesson is being held, won’t cloud your senses too much.

As you enter greenhouse three the first thing you notice is that all the student work tables have been pushed together to create one long and wide octagonal table with the professors desk at the head and behind it a battered blackboard. On the table in front of each student workspace and cushioned chair a potted green, spiky, toothsome big and blooming plant, to the point of overgrowth with long mobile vines awaits it’s student carer. Yes, you might have guessed it already we’re working with the venomous tentacula today! They are sneaky and poisonous so stay alert and have your wand ready to evade the tentacula’s vines if needed.

Waiting just inside the door for the student's arrival Professor Wishart cautions each student as they pass by him "Welcome, please pull on your dragon hide gloves before you take a seat at the table! Be wary of the plant's mobile vines, they like to grab onto flesh. I don't like swearing in my classroom, but today I'll make an exception if the plants gets too playful and close."

OOC: Welcome to Herbology class! If you haven’t done so already then please read through the Herbology Rules and Expectations and the SS Site rules. Note that IC this will not be the first lesson your student will have had with Professor Wishart this term.[U]Have fun! Class has started!

Class Progression:
Arrivals + First Question - Name One trait of the Venomous Tentacula.
Question 2 - How can we extract tentacula juice? What should we keep in mind when dealing with poisonous plants?
Mini activity - Feed your tentacula and assess its other needs.
Main activity - Trim your tentaculas leaves and extract its juice.
Class dismissed! - That's all folks!