09-01-2018, 09:06 PM
Office for Professor Alice O'Hara The previous occupant of this office (O.Curtains) had decorated the office with music boxes and had cast amber light over the room to give a feel of antiquity. Before him, Professor Marchand had kept a cozy office with shelves full of books - and a plate full of cookies as a nice present for visitors.
Compared to them and previous history of magic professors, Alice O'Hara's office looked almost empty. She had stripped it to the bare essentials, with only two things posted on the wall. One was an extended timeline of the past five hundred years of wizarding history, and the other was a chart with information on why exercise and a healthy diet are important. The rest of the walls were sparkling clean, but empty. Two chairs face Alice's rectangle desk, both are tall and straight to make you sit up straight. No slouching in her presence for you!
Yet there is one similarity with how Professor Marchand kept her office several terms ago. A plate of food is on the table for visitors. Carrots, though, not cookies. |