Dizzy and Shera
Looking up now, Ewan couldn't help but notice that the table was slowly getting more and more crowded. Near, Ewan couldn't help but notice the accent of a first year Ravenclaw who had just been sorted. Not wanting to be rude, be answered her greeting "Hey Dizzy, I'm Ewan". Watching now, he couldn't help but notice her excitement at seeing the Grey Lady. He was the same last year. Except that was last year.
Turning to another first year now, Ewan couldn't help but be amused. She thought he was a first year. Honestly, he'd left half way through so I guess he was? No. This was his second year. Deciding not to make a scene, Ewan smiled at the girl and replied "Hey there, how was your summer? I'm Ewan. It's nice to meet you".