Hey All! Shera had fallen asleep on the train and only awoken once they'd arrived in Hogsmeade, so it wasn't surprising that she hadn't seen anyone yet. In fact, she was going to be more surprised if she recognised anyone. Or if they even recognised her after she had left Hogwarts after first year.
It was only a year though...
She was still just as amazed as she was the very first time that she walked into the great hall, making her way back to Ravenclaw table. She dropped herself near a boy (Septimus) that looked her age. "Evening," she greeted, a grin on her face as she brushed the insanely messy brown curls out of her eyes. She definitely didn't recognise that one, but maybe he'd remember her? There were also two girls (Hanna and Dizzy, one of which actually seemed familiar to her. "Hey... Hanna? Shera was somewhat certain that they'd had classes together in first year... Hanna and Nyx? Were those the two that explained muggle things to her? She also gave a nod at the other girl who she hadn't recognised. "I don't think I met you before, my name's Shera. Nice to meet you!" "Good evening, Grey Lady. How are you doing this evening? Did anything interesting happen over the summer?" She paused her rambling for a moment to tilt her head to the side. It just ended with the curls falling in her face covering an eye. "Actually did anything interesting happen in the last year?"
She had some catching up to do.
And ooooh there was the first first year (Ewan). At least they wouldn't know how out of place Shera was feeling as well. She beamed, attempting to be somewhat welcoming. Whether she achieved that with her level of enthusiasm was another question entirely. "Welcome to Ravenclaw! How are you doing? I'm Shera by the way it's nice to meet you!" |