Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛ Fourth year? Hmm... What would his fourth year of Hogwarts have in store for him? Chase thought that his first years at Hogwarts had been rather thrilling. Luckily in those years, he was just an underclass men who still was learning the way the school rolled. However, Fourth year... Something about it just seemed so incredibly exciting yet also a little unnerving as the boy realized that he only had three (or was it four? Technically four yes) more years to go until he graduated. The boy had spent the majority of his train ride contemplating this. It was rather unusual because Chase was rarely reflective these days. Had the events last year taken such an effect on him?
Too soon to tell.
His mood picked up when he strolled into the Great Hall and headed to his home table. He didn’t even notice that his sunglasses were still perched on his slightly brown-er hair. He approached the Gryffindor table, offering Theo and Abra a smile before he noticed Abra’s shiny badge. “Cap.....” began he before pausing when he realized that this was a shiny NEW badge. “Congrats!” Thumbs yo for his Captain, yeah? He paused for a second noting Abra’s slightly more red than usual eyes and just paused again before deciding not to ask what was up. Perhaps he had allergies or something? Yeah suuure.... Skeptical he was.
He took a step or two down the table and noticed a familiar girlie. A smirk snuck onto his lips and any precious worrisome thought left his mind. “Glitter,” he spoke and took a seat across from her. “You seem as excited as ever, GF. How was your summer?” Truth be tood, it was nice to see the Glitter Fairy though he supposed that this girl would be growing out of her nickname.
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