Thread: Information: SSRPG Character Biographies
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Old 08-23-2018, 02:11 AM   #62 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dezi Willard
Fifth Year
Mrs. Alex Turner *asterisks user* Secret Door

evangeline carden
Consultant Healer at St. Mungo's, Mother of six.

SPOILER!!: bio

daisy carden-dupree
Falmouth Falcons Chaser, two out of six.

SPOILER!!: bio

♕ you should’ve crowned her, cause she’s a goddess ♕

Full Name: Daisy Elladora Carden-Dupree
D.O.B: April 25th, 2076
Blood Status: Halfblood
Physical description: Tall and athletic, with wavy brown hair. Definitely stronger than she looks due to her intense workout regime.
Distinguishing features: A tattoo of the number four behind her left ear and her bright blue eyes. Plus a slightly fading Cornish accent.
Height: 5’10
Relationship Status: Married.

Place of Birth: London, England
Current Residence: London, England
Nationality: British
Primary Language: English
Other languages: French
Wand: Maple wood with a unicorn hair core, 11 ¼”, pliant flexibility
Patronus: TBD
Boggart: TBD
Amortentia: Blueberries and mint, the smell of the sea, coffee

❣ this is family business ❣

Father: Clifford Carden. Former Slytherin Head Boy, retired Chaser for the Falmouth Falcons, now Scout for the same team. Born December 20th 2050.
Mother: Evangeline Carden. Former Slytherin Prefect, Consultant Spell Damage Healer, at St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. Born May 20th 2051.
Siblings: Louis Lambert, Maxton Carden, Mercy Carden, Alexander Carden, Evangeline Gwenog Carden.
Husband: Talon Dupree.

⇈ they take my kindness for weakness, still coming out strong ⇈

Extremely ambitious and headstrong from a young age, Daisy Carden was always told by her parents that she deserved the best. So she went out into the world and expected to get it, even if she had to fight tooth and nails for it. Her vision of the world is slightly less idealistic now -- Hogwarts is very good for sheltered kids --, but she still expects everyone to do their best. And she still expects herself to be the best, because she knows she has both the talent and the hunger to make it happen. Completely self-assured, can come across as arrogant and unpleasant at times … and she knows it too. She just simply does not see any reason to change.

In her personal relationships, she’s loyal and gives it her all, no matter what. Be it attention, emotional support or outlandish gifts, Daisy Carden-Dupree loves taking care of her loved ones. Unfortunately, that also means her forgiveness threshold for people she loves is very, very low, which can lead to less than ideal situations.

Likes: Quidditch, food, her parents, her siblings, her boyfriend, dogs, her friends, snow, uncle Warren, summer, the sea, swimming, ballet, flying, dresses, bathing suits, beaches, burgers, boxing, ice cream, chocolate, her building in Montmartre, London, lavender, chicken, cuddles, cheek kisses, daisies, Cornwall, the Falmouth Falcons, the colour green, making snow angels, cars, driving cars, people who don’t pry, Quidditch practises, Paris, hospitals, London, the number 4, winning Quidditch matches, midnight drives, Italy, pancakes on New Year’s Day, Parisian sunsets and sunrises, Parisian nights and days

Dislikes: rain, running in the rain, running on snow, breaking her bones, people who pry, the Chudley Cannons, Maxton supporting the Chudley Cannons, Louis being away for too long, adult incompetence, bullies, missing a throw, dangerous situations, breaking her broomstick, disappointing people she cares about, failure, people using her, paparazzi, photoshoots that that way too long

❁ hands on the clock only turn one way ❁

Daisy Elladora wasn’t exactly a planned baby. Wanted, absolutely, but not particularly planned for. In fact, she was such a surprise that she was born three months before her parents’ wedding which meant that the future Mr. and Mrs. Carden spent the last months before their wedding juggling the care of a newborn infant and choosing flowers and cake. Also, it meant that she got to go to the Bahamas as a three months old baby.

After that, her life was pretty normal. As a child, she spent most of her time divided between her parents’ workplaces. The St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, where her Mother is now Head Healer at the Spell Damage Ward, and the Falmouth Falcons stadium, where her Father played professional Quidditch as their star Chaser until he retired in 2085. Needless to say, the Quidditch stadium held a bigger fascination over her than the hospital and little Daisy would often get home from the matches to play Quidditch with the ever growing number family dogs and her siblings.
Eventually, things took a more serious turn and in order to achieve her goal -- be the best Chaser the country has ever seen -- she started practising from a very early age. As well as the usual flying drills, ballet, daily runs and, more recently, boxing are all part of her daily routine. She joined the Falmouth Falcons junior team at age 11, playing as a Chaser and, sometimes, as a Beater. At age 15, during the start of the summer of 2091, she finally tried out for England’s U17 national team and played for them until she aged out in the summer of 2093.

During her last year at Hogwarts, she pondered over the offers of senior Quidditch teams only to realise something: playing for any of them out her at a risk of being overshadowed by the legacy of her Father. So she took a gamble. Moved to Paris in the summer after her graduation with Zara Jones, her best friend, and accepted an offer from the Quiberon Quafflepunchers. After an expected trial period where she played reserve, her contributions to the team were noticed and she was promoted to the first team. Since then, she’s been a permanent feature in the Quafflepunchers’ starting 7, helping them to a back to back championship win. As her profile grows, other teams have come with extravagant offers and she has a couple of celebrity publicity contracts under her belt but she remained in Paris until the summer of 2098. It was a rather eventful time in her life. After a rather informal proposal on October 19th that lead to a civil marriage held privately on the following day, and the fourth championship in a row, she decided it was time to move on. Or maybe go back to her own past is a more accurate way of saying it. Either way, she signed with the Falmouth Falcons on the spring of 2098. Recently moved to London with her husband and their two dogs, a Jack Russel Terrier named Oskar and a Chow-Chow named Porthos.

♣ it’s all smiles through all four seasons ♣

Wizarding Primary School, 2082 - 2087
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, 2087 - 2094, Slytherin House

SPOILER!!: OWLs Results
Ancient Runes - E
Astronomy - A
CoMC - O
Charms - O
Divination - P
Herbology - A
History of Magic - E
Potions - E
Transfiguration - E

SPOILER!!: NEWTs Results
CoMC - E
Charms - E
History of Magic - P
Potions - A
Transfiguration - A

Other: England U17 Quidditch National Team, 2091 - 2093, Chaser

Former Employment: Quiberon Quafflepunchers, June 2094 - May 2098

SPOILER!!: 2094-2095 season
  • Picked for the League’s Starting VII five times
  • Broke the team’s points record for a rookie
  • French Quidditch Champion

SPOILER!!: 2095-2096 season
  • Picked for the League’s Starting VII eight times
  • Played every single match
  • Broke her own points record (with two games to go)
  • French Quidditch Champion
  • Best European U20 Quidditch Player

SPOILER!!: 2096-2097 season
  • Picked for the League’s Starting VII ten times
  • Played every single match
  • Broke her own points record (again)
  • French Quidditch Champion
  • Runner up for best player in the league

SPOILER!!: 2097-2098 season
  • Picked for the League’s Starting VII a record twelve times
  • Played every single match
  • Broke the league's points record
  • French Quidditch Champion
  • Voted best player in the league by the France Quidditch magazine

alexander carden
Wannabe Pirate, five out of six, Hogwarts Student.

SPOILER!!: bio

maria helena da silva veiga
Ravenclaw student, coffee heiress.

SPOILER!!: bio

✩ sunlight it burns my heart but my head is a tornado ✩

Full Name: Maria Helena da Silva Veiga
D.O.B: February 2nd, 2081
Blood Status: Halfblood
Distinguishing features: A very dark set of eyes and a decidedly foreign accent when speaking English even if it's not necessarily placeable.
Height: 5’7
Relationship Status: Not interested.

Place of Birth: São Paulo, Brazil
Current Residence: Cambridge, England
Nationality: Brazilian
Primary Language: Portuguese
Other languages: English, Spanish, French, learning Russian.
Wand: Birchwood with Phoenix feather core, pliant
Patronus: TBD
Boggart: TBD
Amortentia: TBD

♜ nobody wins when the family feuds ♜

Father:Manuel Felipe Fonseca Veiga, CEO at Cafega, the family business. Born May 9th, 2055.
Mother: Letícia Alcântara Veiga, Experimental Charms professor at WU London. Born May 16th, 2058.
Siblings: Olga Fonseca Veiga (half-sister). Born August 15th, 2097.

⌘ watch me make ‘em bow one by one by one ⌘

2087 - 2092, Homeschooled
2092 - 2095, Castelobruxo
2095 - current, Hogwarts, Ravenclaw House

SPOILER!!: OWL results

Ancient Runes - O
Astronomy - O
CoMC - E
Charms - O
Herbology - E
History of Magic - O
Potions - O
Transfiguration - O

SPOILER!!: NEWT results


⎈ i’m that bad type, make your mama sad type⎈

Personality: Despite her Mother’s best attempts to instil some cheerfulness into her, Maria Helena is cold and detached. At first glance, anyway. Once she lets people in (at the moment, the number of people in that group amounts to a grand total of five … maybe), she can be quite warm. Not warm in the gives-a-million-hugs way, though; warm in a -I-might-smile-at-you way. She’s fiercely loyal to those few that have her respect and would do most anything were they to find themselves in any distress. But there’s still some distance between her and her peers, even the ones she calls friends. For years she has tried to connect and understand them but, finding herself unable to do so, she has accepted her struggles with basic human emotions and relies on her friends to provide some context for human behaviour.

History: Helena was born on a warm summer’s night in São Paulo to Letícia and Manuel Veiga, two Brazilians who had met by chance while attending the Salem campus of the Wizarding University. When she was two years old, the family moved back to Salem so her Mother could pursue her post-doctorate in Experimental Charms. She doesn’t remember much from that time, obviously, but there’s a lot of photographs of a young couple that almost look like their parents in love. She doesn’t much like to look at them. Her childhood was fairly normal for her, and absolutely abnormal for anyone else. Moving around from house to house while her parents pursued their own careers meant she was used to being alone from a young age. Nannies and staff raised her and fed her while her paternal grandparents looked on, never letting her get too lose. Despite her Mother’s middle-class roots, Maria Helena only knew the lives and the struggles of the rich. Her years in Castelobruxo were boring, as anything too controlled and closed off is to her. Despite the fact her Mother taught there, she managed to get away with a normal amount of trouble with her group of friends (aka, people she tolerated) and her boyfriend (a guy who decided they were dating and she didn’t care to correct him, even because her Father had arranged marriage plans, anyway).
It wasn’t until the middle of her fourth year that her life took a turn. With her Father’s infidelity and her Mother’s subsequent request for a divorce, Maria Helena found herself moving to England and enrolling at Hogwarts, which she found to be even duller than Castelobruxo. However, much to her surprise, she suddenly found herself to have friends she actually cared about, who encouraged her to be her own person. In the summer between her sixth and her final year at Hogwarts, she allowed herself to be spontaneous and refused to show up in Brazil for her own engagement party, an act that would eventually lead to disownment by her Father and the family coffee business.

violetta fiona vasilieva
russian ministry, British expat

SPOILER!!: bio

❁ i chew you up and I’ll spit you out ❁

Full Name: Violetta Fiona Carden Vasilieva
Date of Birth: December 15th, 2072
Blood Status: Pureblood
Distinguishing features: Tall and thin, not particularly athletic looking. Platinum blonde hair and dark, thick eyebrows. Plus a scar down her right side she will not tell you about. Plus a very light hint of a Cornish accent.
Height: 5’9
Relationship Status: Married to Pyotr Vasiliev

Place of Birth: Tinworth, Cornwall, England.
Current Residence:
Nationality: British
Primary Language: English
Other languages: French, German, Russian and Mermish.
Wand: Black walnut, dragon heartstring, 9 inches.
Patronus: Otter
Boggart: TBD
Amortentia: N/A

♕ anything for the crown, crown, crown ♕

Primary Education: Homeschooled by private tutors
Standard Education: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (2083 - 2090), Slytherin House

SPOILER!!: OWL results

Ancient Runes - O
Astronomy - E
Charms - O
Defence Against the Dark Arts - E
History of Magic - O
Potions - E
Transfiguration - E

SPOILER!!: NEWT results

Ancient Runes - O
Charms - O
Defence Against the Dark Arts - O
History of Magic - O
Potions - O
Transfiguration - O

University: Wizarding University, Stuttgart Campus
Degree: Diplomacy and Wizarding Relations
Class of 2093

Employment: Ambassador At Large Trainee, Department of Internacional Magical Cooperation (2094 - 2097)
Ambassador at Large, Russian Ministry (2097 - )

⚚ ‘cause all my life I’ve been controlled, you can’t have peace without a war ⚚

Born in 2072 to Angus and Flora Carden, Violetta was the much unexpected second child. Which is the same to say she wasn’t wanted, not at all, and very much an accident that both her parents aren’t sure how it happened. The need to keep the family name was covered by the birth of her oldest brother Malcolm in 2068 and yet little Violetta Carden came to be. As a member of one of the oldest pureblood families in Cornwall and indeed the United Kingdom, Violetta had a very sheltered and protected childhood. In fact, it wasn’t until she entered Hogwarts that she met other children and, more importantly, had contact with halfbloods and muggleborns, due to her family’s views.. It was a shock, but not an unwelcome one and it helped her mind to become more open. Somewhat.

She’s very controlled and self-assured, willing to do whatever necessary to reach whatever ambitions she has. Though she loves her family dearly, there’s also a deep need to get out from under their wings and make her own decisions, away from their influence. She might come across as quite rude, therefore, but that's not exactly the best way to describe her. She simply does not care about anyone or anything not necessary to or important to her.

After two years in the British Ministry, she began to feel restless and finally acquiesced to her family’s wishes for an arranged marriage after meeting the guy and realising he wasn’t an old, balding man and that she could regain her independence even whilst married. So at the end of the year, she turned in her notice and packed her bags to move to icy Russia and has been enjoying her own wing in her new mansion, with occasional meetings with her dear Petya.

characters with bios in other threads:

Last edited by Crayola; 06-18-2019 at 08:28 PM.
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