Foster Davis
Model:Graham Wardle
Post color: #6666FF
Basics Name: Foster Matthew Davis
Nickname: DOB: 7th of April, 2061
Place of Birth: Richmond, Virginia
Current Residence: London, England
Current Occupation: Arithmancy Professor at Hogwarts 2096-
Previous Occupation: Arithmancy Assistant Professor/Professor at Ilvermorny 2087-2096
Relationship status: Single
Physical Appearance: Height: 5’ 9”
Weight: 145 lbs
Hair color: Dark Brown
Eye color: Green-hazel
Handedness: left
Other: Wand :14 inch, Pear, Snallygaster Heartstring core, supple
Boggart: Hidebehind
Patronus: Timber wolf
Amorentia: Lavender, peppermint, and earl grey tea
Blood Status: Pureblood
Personality type: ISTJ-A Logistician
Pet: Fwooper named Mercury
Lorna Marie Davis (mother)
Stephen Alexander Davis (father)
Sara Lynn Davis Scott (sister)
James Scott (brother-in-law)
Lilah Lynn Scott (niece)
Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry class of 2079
House: Horned Serpent
Wizarding University of North Carolina- Bachelors degree in Arithmancy 2083
Wizarding University of Maryland - Masters 2085 and Doctoral degree 2087 in Arithmancy
Best Subjects: Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Divination
Worst Subjects:Flying, Transfiguration
Extra-curricular: Quiz Bowl, Book club
Formal, cautious, and fiercely loyal
Likes: Tea, lemon scones, quiet, and reading
Dislikes: Chaos, disruptions, flying, and dishonesty
A bit of history:
Foster was born to a typical American wizarding family. He grew up surrounded by loving parents and grandparents. He attended Ilvermorny and was placed in Horned Serpent house, where he grew into a formidable wizard. His lack of sporting skills only drove him to excel in other areas, landing him leader of the Arithmancy club and tutor to underclassmen.
He met the girl he thought would be his wife during his sixth year of school. They dated exclusively throughout their remaining time at Ilvermorny and even completed their undergraduate degrees together. He proposed to Jenny the day he received is acceptance to graduate school, which she agreed to. Jenny began her career working for the Magical Congress of the United States when he left for graduate school. The distance put a great stress on their relationship and eventually caused them to call off the engagement.
Once Foster completed his advanced degrees, he took on a position at Ilvermorny as assistant professor of Arithmancy. However, his heart continued to ache from the loss of his love and when the position at Hogwarts became available, he immediately applied.
Foster is determined to make the most of his new position and to start a new life, away from the heartache and memories. He has high hopes of finding a new life and becoming the outstanding professor he knows he can be.
Credit goes to:Thanks to
Krel Ansell for the wand!
Thanks to the amazing
Suzy for the Bio pic