DoM & AC Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2011 Location: California, USA
Posts: 1,530
Hogwarts RPG Name: Addison Ayers First Year |
✦ Basics ✦
Full Name » Jackson Phillip Thomas
Nick Names » Jack, Jacks
Birth Date » March 3, 2081
Birth Place » Argyll and Bute, Scotland, UK
Current Residence » Aberdeen, UK
Age » 17
House » Ravenclaw
Year » Seventh
✦ Appearance ✦
Model » Cole Sprouse
Eye color » Green
Hair » Dark
Height » 6'0
Build » Average/Athletic
Laterality » Right-handed
✦ All Things Magical ✦
Blood Status » Muggle Born
Wand » 13 1/3,” Dragon Heartstring, Alder Wood, Unbending
Boggart » Unknown
Patronus » Unknown
Amortentia » Unknown
Erised » Unknown
Pet » A barn owl named Reggie and a cat named Cat Eye Moody
✦ Education ✦
School » Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Best Subjects » Charms, Muggle Studies
Worst Subjects » Ancient Runes, Arithmancy
Academic Education » Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Class of 2099, Muggle Public School 2086-2092
✦ Family ✦
Mother » Emma Richter
Father » William Thomas
Sibling/s » None
Cousin » Valkyrie Atwater (Class of 2096)
Maternal Grandparents » Phillip and Mary Richter
Paternal Grandparents » Kaden and Pamela Thomas
✦ Other ✦
Personality Type » Divided between ESFJ The Provider/ESFP -A The Entertainer... But that's no surprise.
Likes » Watching sports, being in a group
Dislikes » Not being introduced to the magical world until he was 11 years old even though some of his family was magical.
Proud of »
Pet Peeve »
Current Conflict »
Motivation »
Short Term Goal » NEWT Scores
Long Term Goal » Figure out next year's goal
✦ History ✦ Jackson can vaguely remember hanging out with her cousins Kye, Aurelia, and Lucas as a small child, but then there was a big fight between his parents and theirs. He had no idea what had happened, but he never saw his cousins again after that... That is until the summer after he turned 11. Receiving his letter to Hogwarts had caused an uproar in his household. His parents were very happy with their non-magical ways and had told Jackson that he would have to choose between leading a magical life or being welcome in their home. After a lot of tears and yelling, Jackson packed his things and sent a letter to his Aunt Kamala and Uncle Aureliano to let them know that he was coming. He vaguely remembered his aunt telling him before they had left that if he should ever need anything, to let them know. Was this what she had been talking about? He left for their house the next morning, and reconnected with the magical side of the family.
Since then, he has been living at the Atwater's estate. Kye helped him study during the first summer, until he had felt more comfortable with his new life. During the summer before his third year, he finally let his aunt know how badly the separation was starting to affect him and she offered to buy him an owl. Unsure of what kind of reaction (if any) he would get, Jackson wrote his mother a letter simply saying that he was okay and that he missed her. On the back he wrote instructions... in case she had decided that she wanted to write him back. He tried not to keep his hopes up, and after his fourth year had started a week later he had already figured she had ignored his post. It had taken her some time, but she couldn't ignore the letter from her son. By now, it had been a little over three years since she had seen him. Although still uncomfortable with magic, she apologized for how things had escalated and how she probably would have wrote him had she not burned her sister's address when she married a wizard. Although a bit clumsy at first, the two became pen pals and during the summer before his fifth year he met his parents for dinner in their home.
Although tense at the start, things seemed to soften near the end and he even hugged his mother on his way out. His father nodded and awkwardly left the room, muttering about needing to check this or that. It was a positive sign, believe it or not. His parents both seemed to be loosening up. After his fifth year, Jackson went back to his parents' house for a week long visit. It went very well and led to his mother thinking of visiting them in England later in the summer.
Running in to Anna at the Menagerie, he adopted his Maine Coon kitten, Cat Eye Moody.
Last edited by Dokimoto; 05-06-2019 at 01:49 PM.