Mischievous Niffler
It was a rather pleasant evening that day in Diagon Alley. A gentle breeze blew through the air as crowds of people bustled to and fro. One such person was Kitty Valentine, a young Gothic lady who was handing out leaflets to anyone who looked interested. The leaflets contained information on the Statute of Secrecy on one side and information on the infamous lady Pinkstone on the other.
Kitty looked down at her leaflets. "Nine left," she cheerfully announced to no one in particular. Most of the people she gave the leaflets to didn't look all that interested, to be honest, though. Still, it was refreshing to be back on the streets doing activism again. She hadn't gotten into any arguments recently, which was probably a good thing.
She glanced over at the Daily Prophet headquarters. It was tempting to give it a shot. "Why not?" she said out loud, and she began heading in that direction.