Herbology Rules & Expectations  ❁In Character Classroom Rules:- Arrive to class on time.
- Make sure to bring all required materials such as gloves, textbooks and writing utensils.
- Be dresssed appropriatley for class in a tidy uniform.
- It's important to have taken care off all personal hygiene matters before entering class.
- Be respectful during class to your peers, professor and plants/herbs in the classroom.
- Be open-minded and ready to learn in class.
- Please raise your hand when answering questions. Actively participating in class will earn you more house points.
- Bringing water to drink is allowed, but no food.
- Do NOT touch or PICK any of the plants or herb's without specific permission from Professor Wishart. Plants are living beings, not toy's to be played with!
- Most importantly, have fun, do your best and bring a positive attitude to class!
❁OOC Information:- All SS Rules and SS Hogwarts RPG Rules apply in all Herbology threads at all times.
- Please keep in mind the difference between IC and OOC. Any IC offenses will be punished In Character (points loss, detention, etc.). Any OOC offenses will be punished Out of Character (a warning or infraction in accordance with SS site rules for you, the member). Also, Please remember that Professor Wishart is just my character and any of his actions should not be taken OOC personally.
- No plagarism please! Use your own words and ideas or even better your characters.
- If the lesson has already begun, and you have not arrived yet, don't think you can't join in! You totally still can and i encourage it! Pretend you have been there all along, no problem! Having your character come in late will result in point loss...or whatever other punishment Josh deems fit.
- Catching up posts are allowed through out all my lessons. A lesson spans over 10 ooc days. Mini activity lasts approx 3 days while Main activity's lasts for 4 days.
- Do not edit your lesson posts unless it's for coding or a missspellt word. Always proofread your posts before posting.
- HAVE FUN! I'm here to make the RP as enjoyable as possible. Please feel free to contact me Nordic Witch for anything whether it's an RP or a question.
- If your student wishes to visit Professor Wishart for a chat then stop by the groundskeepeers hut that is his new home and office.