Opal Mainwaring
(pronounced: Man-er-ing) Basics
Position: Lifestyle journalist
Born: March 24th, 2073
Current Residence: Camden, London
Hometown: Canterbury, Kent
Relationship Status: taken
Height: 5'7
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Looks Like: Pearl Mackie
School: Beauxbatons, 2084-2091
Further Education: WADA London, dropped out in her second year
Opal is a dropout WADA student turned blogger. She planned to be on the stage herself, blogging reviews in her spare time, but quickly found that she much preferred commenting on others' work to making her own. However, her blog, OpalWrites, wasn't high enough profile to support a London lifestyle, so friends encouraged that she take the jump and apply to the Daily Prophet to see if she could make a proper career of it. Apparently they liked what they saw, so here she is!