Josephine Livingston
Face claim: Soni Nicole Bringas
Post color: Dark Orchid BASICS
Name: Josephine Violet Livingston
Preferred name: Josie
Nicknames: Josie, Jojo
DoB: June 25, 2082
Age: 14
Place of birth: London, England
Current Residence: Depends. When with Brodie in France, when with Rachel in Missouri
Blood status: Pureblood
House: Hufflepuff
Year: Fourth
Wand: 12 1/2 inch swishy Pear with Dragon Heartstring [Swedish Short-Snout]
Patronus: Unknown
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Height: 165 cm
Mother: Rachel Longston
Father: Brodie Livingston
Step Parent(s): Mitchell Longston and Taylor Livingston
Sisters: Emma Livingston and Angel Longston
Brothers: Gabriel Livingston, Adrien Livingston, Alexander Livingston, and Jack Longston
Step Siblings: Louise Rivero, Valentín Rivero, Bella Rivero, and Selena Rivero
Pets: Owl named Nibbles, Doggo named Alvin, Pigmy Puff named Archie
Hogwarts 2093-present
Best subject: Potions
Worst subject: Charms
Random facts
Languages spoken: English, French
Instruments played: Guitar and piano
Aspirations: Her main one is just to grow out of her shyness. She's been burdened with it since she was young and it's caused her to avoid everyone even though she longs for companionship. Other than that she'd love to be like her step mother and become a performer of some type.