08-06-2016, 01:34 AM
Dervish and Banges  Dervish and Banges is a small, dusky little outlet located at the end of the street in Hogsmeade. Squatting between a few wooden pillars painted to look like marble, the green and gold building seems to be more of a remodeled mausoleum than a wizarding place of business. As you enter the hideous peeling green door and inhale the thick scent of sawdust and mildew, you'll likely question if the shop actually was a mausoleum at some point.
Squeaky floorboards, musty smells, and creepy feelings aside, the place may appear to be in an eternal state of decay, but the sagging shelves stocked full of shiny, brand or like-new knickknacks say otherwise. The shop sells both new and reconditioned items of both the wizard and Muggle variety. Take your time, walk around, pick up some coupons, and try to not be intimidated by that looming shopkeeper just behind it (he doesn't bite ... much). Text Cut: Inventory & Prices - Do-It-Yourself Cauldron Repair Kits: kit - 1 galleon, 13 sickles, 11 knuts; repair: - 2 galleons, 11 sickles, 16 knuts
- Replicated Goblets of Fire: 3 galleons, 8 sickles, 2 knuts
- Omnioculars: new - 4 galleons, 7 sickles, 28 knuts; used - 2 galleons, 8 sickles, 5 knuts
- Remembralls: new only - 1 galleon, 8 sickles, 9 knuts
- Replicated Resurrection Stone Rings: 2 galleons, 16 sickles, 18 knuts
- Sneakoscopes: 2 galleons, 3 sickles, 4 knuts
- Spectrespecs: 1 galleon, 16 sickles, 22 knuts
- Restored But Non-Functional Time-Turners: 2 galleons, 8 sickles, 5 knuts
- Wand Repair Kits: 1 galleon, 3 sickles, 7 knuts