He's 8, just FYI x) Arts TRANSPONSTER! Elliott was unconscious for now, lying on the floor of the play room belly up, as if he were sleeping.
It didn't take long at all, however, for him to start coming to. He slowly opened his eyes like he had just had a heavy, full night's sleep. His eyes were only semi-open as he tried to recognise where he was.
Wait a minute, that wasn't his bedroom. Was he still asleep and dreaming? He couldn't see his parents or anyone he knew, so he was momentarily confused.
He didn't remember ever getting confused about whether his dreams were dreams or not, so he reckoned that wasn't a dream. "Is this a dream?" He asked out loud anyway, still looking around trying to understand what was happening.
The blond boy didn't remember having gone to sleep eitherrrrr so that couldn't be a dream. Or was it?
That confusion was starting to really annoy him already. |