All of you. ❅ Purple Lightsaber ❅| | Captain Sarcastic | At least OWLs were over, or not was there a chance that she could retake them under the circumstances, right? She was pretty sure she had failed EVERYTHING. She had spent all if not most of the term studying and all of that went to waste after the stress of inferi attack. Hogwarts should have a extenuating circumstance clause when it came to having to sit OWLs and NEWTs exams. Juni was all for this cause, and maybe she would get something passed with that by the time she would be sitting her NEWTs. That was if she was even allowed to come back. This was possibly the last straw with her father and her going to Hogwarts. The time that she was cursed the option had been put on the table that she could go back if she felt safe. But this time inferi she had no doubt that there was going to even be a plea bargain for this case.
She approached the Ravenclaw table with a all but enthusiastic look on her face. The first person she seen was Kirk, which that didn’t change her mood in the least. ”Well said Captain.” That speech did seem to lift her spirits some. He of course would always be her captain no matter what. She was sad that it was his last term. Anywho she addressed the table at larger which also included Nettie, Callie, little Chloe and Dorian ”So who’s ready for some food tonight?” She slipped down next to Chloe who seemed to be in the same mood she found herself in. ”Aww Chloe that’s just not true. You are wonderful. We all were.” She wrapped her arms around the younger girl. Juni was not a hugger so that meant she really meant it. Poor Chloe though she was just a first year. Wait until your fifth year kid. Could she sneak off to the Slytherin table now?
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Bread! |