Just as she was finishing up, Miss Juni appeared. “Miss Juni hurtsies?” Her concern was evident on her little house elf face. She had been with the Ravenclaw not that long ago, but she didn’t know how badly the castle had been damaged in the battle. The teenager could have been hurt trying to get back to her common room.
Once she realized that Miss Juni was there to help, her concern was replaced with gratitude. “Tinka thinksies Miss Juni be good helper. Miss Juni hand out pumpkin juice to hurt studentsies when they arrive.” She waved the Ravenclaw over to where she was stationed, away from the main medical area and not underfoot of Mistress Macmillan. “Mistress Macmillan return soon with hurt studentsies. Tinka and Miss Juni stay out of way until needed. Yes?” She nodded and continued to pour little cups of pumpkin juice and place them on the table next to the tray of food.