Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space.
Gaze flying in the direction of a new voice joining the fray, Felicity blinked back tears and the pleading look in her eyes, not wanting to show the Head Boy just how scared and incapable she felt right then, but grateful all the same that there was someone else joining them. She watched as the Inferi set on him, and the Skrewt let out a blast of flame, but as amused as she would have been at any other time by his comment, she didn’t register the quip, turning back to survey the rest of the Greenhouse.
Seeing Flynn reach his wand sent a jolt of hope throughout Felicity’s body, but that feeling was quickly extinguished by the site of a flaming corpse landing on him. Her heart sank and her stomach felt as though it had been flushed with ice water as she watched other Inferi hold him down, making him powerless to defend himself. The cry for help washed over her in a wave, and she felt fresh tears sting her eyes - this was all her fault. He should have just left her to the mercy of the creatures, but instead he’d tried to help her, tried to save her.
If he died, she wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to forgive herself.
But he wasn’t going to, was he? He couldn’t! And it was that thought that had her back straightening and her wand raised once again, her eyes steely and hard. There was no way these sick creatures were getting away with this. There was no way she was going to let them hurt Flynn more. Just as she was about to cast a spell, she saw Ronan splash him with water, and Jessa arrive just in time to send a successful knockback jinx. There was no time to send a grateful look towards her as she jumped over what was left of a burning corpse, heading towards the boy that lay unconscious on the floor.
Her thoughts occupied by firing as many fire spells as she could towards the creatures whilst watching Flynn’s shallow breathing, Felicity felt useless as she couldn’t see what was going on with the others. It wasn’t until Peeves voice rang through the air that she looked over in the direction of the door, her eyes flying wide when she saw him attack Ronan - but before she could do anything, Professor Vance was (relievedly) clambering to her feet and shouting at the poltergeist, whilst Ronan cast his own spells of attack.
“It’s not me you need to worry about,” Felicity heard herself say when Professor Vance spoke about getting her and Flynn out of there. “It’s just him.” But her voice was barely more than a whisper as she ignored the searing pain in her broken arm and the burns that had caught her legs. Wiping ash from her face, her voice grew stronger as she cast spells at the remaining Inferi. “Incendio tria! Ignisio Fumen! Ignisio Fumen! Incendio!” The incantations repeated and the wand movements fluid as all she could think of was getting Flynn to the hospital wing.
__________________  ⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽